Speaking this weekend with Andrew Langer on WBAL News Radio 1090 AM/101.5 FM, Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md.-1st, said President Donald Trump’s historic second impeachment was “the wrong way to go.”
WBAL also reported that Harris — who pledged to only serve for six terms in Congress and who introduced a term-limits resolution in 2013 — said he will run for a seventh term representing Maryland’s First Congressional District in Congress.
Harris compared it to someone in the military deciding to extend their service.
“… (A)t this point in time, I’m re-upping for this fight,” Harris said.
John Dean says
Very disappointing news. Imagine, Andy not keeping his word. I wonder what “fight” Andy is referencing. Even Trump himself will have probably given up the fight to overturn the 2020 election in two years. Or is Andy referencing another event similar to January 6?
Bob Kopec says
Harris has blood on his hands supporting the liar in the White House and should resign. I doubt he could win another term. I would vote for almost any person who runs against him.
Eva M. Smorzaniuk, M.D. says
Well, we can see what a pledge from Rep. Harris is worth – absolutely nothing. Surely, the numbers of his constituents who have called or emailed his office, or written letters to the editor, all of them expressing disgust and disappointment, and pressing him to step down don’t bother him at all. Nor does supporting a president who has lied his way through office, attempted to undermine our Country’s democratic processes, and, finally, incited a radical insurrectionist mob to attack the seat of government. I think Rep. Harris may be as delusional as his Fuehrer! I think his fate may be the same as that of the group of Republican lawmakers who refused to recognize the results of a legitamate election – public shame and withdrawal of financial support. To those who voted for him just because he’s a Republican, please look a little more carefully at his moral credentials!
J. Baker says
What is the particular fight Harris is “re-upping” to fight” Did he “re-up”
when he served in the military? Did he extend his time in the military?
Lee DZmura says
One of the responsibilities of a representative to Congress is to vote on issues before the House of Representatives. Apparently the impeachment of Donald Trump was not as significant an issue as tending to his patients. I have been under the misguided impression that being Representative of Maryland’s First District was a full time job. Certainly such a vote was important enough to warrant his presence.
Now that Mr Harris wishes to break his pledge on term limits, let us hope he decides whether his priority is the Congress or the OR.
Michael Davis says
From the day of the election, Andy has been lying. Then he lies on the floor of the House, our iconic building of democracy. His constant lying was even too much for another Member who called him a liar. So what is a pledge worth coming from Andy? Nothing, absolutely nothing.
My guess is that he is fighting for the Proud Boys, QAnon, the Boogaloo Movement – whatever group of armed fascists are trying to put Trump back in power. He certainly is not fighting for democracy, nor for any constituents who believe in honor, truth, integrity, equality, or good government. Those values are not on Andy’s radar.
Willard T Engelskirchen says
So, Dr. No is not as good as his word. Am I surprised? Not really.
Jim Richardson says
Is anyone surprised that Andy has decided to run again, even after he pledged not to when he first ran for office twelve years ago as a Tea Party candidate? By the way, how did that work for all of us? With the way the state has been gerrymandered, anyone with half a wit and zero courage (as long as he was running as a Republican) could easily win in our district. If you don’t believe me, just look at what Andy has accomplished. Six terms is long enough! Andy, go back to your regular job putting people to sleep and let someone else finally do something constructive.
Bobbie Wells says
Sounds about what would be expected of syncophant Harris. He’s truly an anathema in my book, and needs to write himself out of the story once & for all!
Frank Carollo says
Empty-suit Andy, you once again show that your so-called “word” means nothing. Since you’ve followed Trump so slavishly these last several years, why don’t you continue to take the next step — and, like him, just go away. Please!
Richard Marks says
Yes, Congressman Harris, you can “re-up” as they say in the military providing you have proper fitness reports and there is a need. I do recall being offered that opportunity during my naval service. I was also offered what was termed a variable reenlistment bonus since my position was critical and difficult to find a replacement. Rest assured, it should not be so difficult to find a replacement for you in Congress and one who honors our Constitution.
As a registered Independent, I am prepared to help you live up to your term limit promise by changing my registration to Republican and voting for a suitable candidate to defeat you in the primary. I encourage other true patriots to do the same. Our country and our district will be better served.
william buchanan says
You are on the wrong side of history. Will you will recognize how stupid you are for hanging to a criminal and a grifter?
…And maybe your district will be redrawn to give you something more than the Eastern Shore. This running for a seventh term is the first lie I know of.
I will not vote for you.
Francine De Sanctis says
Given the Congressman’s stand on the Trump lies of a fraudulent election, I am not surprised at this latest stunt.
The ONLY way we are going to rid the District of Dr. No is to vote him out of office in 2024! OR if the new administration investigates the Insurrection and Congress expels the liar!
One can only hope?
Ugh, I want to puke.
Marian Murphy says
Rather than Harris “re-upping for this fight” let him fight to improve the state of Maryland’s dismal response for vaccinating its citizens. My sister in Georgia and my sister in California have both received their vaccines and I’m wandering around Maryland trying to not only get vaccinated but even to get information on when and where it could happen and the responses I’m getting are depressing. Giant said “late February”! If Harris has time on his hands now that his mentor has left office maybe he could spend time getting our equally inept governor to get us out of this states failed handling of covid.
M. Jourdak says
And he tried to bring his gun to work today…yikes