In Part II of our coverage of Del. Heather Mizeur’s appearance before the Democratic Club of Queen Anne’s County’s last Thursday, the likely candidate for governor discussed her reluctance to allow Marcellus Shale drilling in Western Maryland.
She also fielded a question from Tom Leigh of the Midshore RiverKeeper Conservancy regarding the ongoing dispute between environmental groups and Clean Chesapeake Coalition, which believes the state’s Bay cleanup plan poorly addresses the massive hemorrhages of sediment and nutrients through the Conowingo Dam into the upper Chesapeake during heavy storms and snow melts.
In her closing remarks, Mizeur discussed what Maryland’s future could look like if elected governor in 2014.
The video is just under 10 minutes.
Bill Burton, MD says
Ms Mizeur says she will keep an open mind on fracking but her statements show a lack of interest in understanding the situation. For example there is abundant documented evidence of flammable tap water deriving from bio organic generation of methane dating to the 17 th century. These data are easy to find and her lack of knowledge as she addresses these issues is disturbing and belies her bias against making America energy independent.
Animal deaths and other complications of unspecified “chemicals” are the result of undocumented anecdotal stories.
I am disappointed in her lack of rigor.