The Town of Hillsboro has recently announced its new Facade Improvement Program, aimed at helping residents improve the exterior of their homes and properties through matching mini-grants of up to $2,500.
“Especially during this time of rising prices, the Facade Improvement Program will be helpful to our homeowners looking to improve the exterior of their homes, ” Hillsboro Town Commission President Ross Benincasa said. “Encouraging these types of projects to maintain our residents’ houses and to give a boost to complete work that has been put off during the pandemic is an important part of preserving the historic nature of the community.”
Supported by a grant through Maryland’s Department of Housing and Community Development, Hillsboro’s Facade Improvement Program aims to support exterior projects for homeowners whose primary residence is within the Hillsboro corporate limits. Examples of suitable projects include window and porch repair, exterior painting or siding, visible foundation repair, and exterior cleanup, among other possible work.
Grants to owner-occupied properties are eligible for a 50 percent funding reimbursement for projects costing at least $500 and a maximum of $5,000. While projects costing over $5,000 may be accepted, the maximum allowable grant per household is $2,500. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until all funds are disbursed.
“Everything doesn’t need to be a big project to be considered a success,” Benincasa said. “Helping homeowners complete these small renovation and maintenance projects is key to fostering a healthy, stable community.”
In addition to the Facade Improvement Program, Hillsboro will also undertake a walkway restoration project this summer and has been included in Governor Hogan’s FY2023 Capital Budget for a new community park and gardens, with hopes of beginning construction in late 2022.
To learn more or to apply for Hillsboro’s Facade Improvement Program, please visit
Diana Hunter says
Isn’t this a photo of St Joseph’s Church in Cordova? What does it have to do with facades in Hillsboro??