1st District of Maryland Representative, Andy Harris, recently was one of 11 members of congress to vote against House Bill H.R. 2932. This bill — the Homeland Security for Children Act — would require the Dept. of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans to review and incorporate policy feedback from organizations representing the needs of children into DHS policy.
Additionally, it would direct the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to identify and integrate the needs of children into activities to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate against the risk of natural disaster, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that enacting the bill would require no additional costs. The vote was 374 YEA and 11 NAYS. Harris voted NAY.
What is wrong with our representative in congress? Harris has recently voted against the interests of Senior Citizens, Women Veterans and now Children! What happened to President Bush’s 1,000 points of light? Where is compassion in our government? Contact Harris’ D.C. office at (202) 225-5311 or his Eastern Shore office at (410) 643-5425 and voice your displeasure with Harris’ voting record on H.B. 2932.
We do have a choice in who represents us. Vote. Running against Harris in 2020 is a Republican from Ocean City, MD, Jorge Delgado, or Democrat, Mia Mason.
Christopher A. Koch
For more information on this Bill visit: https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/2932
Barbara Perry says
There are three women running in the Democratic primary to then run against Andy Harris. Mia Mason is one, the others are Allison Galbraith and Jennifer Pingley.
David Lloyd says
NO SURPRISE HERE Anyone who votes for Harris should be ashamed of him/herself.
Paul Gilmore says
There are three Democratic candidates:
Allison Galbraith
Mia Mason
Jennifer Pingley
Chris koch says
I want to thank all who added to the gist of my article by including those other candidates running against Harris. May any one of those candidates prevail!!
Thank you.
Jennifer Pingley says
Thank you! I know I will try my best! As another healthcare professional, I cannot fathom Harris’ rationale. I’m sure I have a bigger knowledge base than he does in understanding disaster planning between nursing and being a volunteer for Singerly Fire Company. However, I think this is a simple matter any average person should understand. I’m confounded.
Barbara Denton says
Congressman Harris voted against House Bill H.R. 2932 due to its intent being to embarrass President Trump. Lets be clear here. President Obama is the President who put children in cages.
I have no idea what purported vote Congressman Harris took against Senior Citizens.
Women Veterans bill was totally unnecessary as all the services in it were already available to female veterans. I already stated this in another comment.