The citizens group Committee to Fix Lakeside (CFL) with the support of over 800 petition signers (14-page list of signatories attached) recommends that the Talbot County Council pass Resolution 338 Amendment 1.
The eventual buildout of over 2,500 new homes in Trappe will have far reaching consequences not limited to that small town but affecting all Talbot County citizens and taxpayers. In spite of this being the largest project in the County’s history this project has not even one time, in over 20 years since its inception, had a complete airing and review of likely impacts in the county. Not by current and former county councils, planning commissioners or Talbot County citizens. Infrastructure, traffic, schools, taxes, police/fire response, medical providers – all the subjects considered essential to good public planning – left unreviewed, questions unanswered.
This represents a tragic failure of planning mechanisms role and an astounding success of the developer and its counsel’s ability to thus far embark on such a huge project without those pesky impediments of County officials’ oversight and citizen input.
The one exception has been the environmental component. Md Dept of Environment last year rejected the developer’s request for over 500,000 gallons/day sewage treatment needed for the full project buildout. Instead they granted a limiting 100,000 gpd permit, thus preserving MDE’s right for future review of additional phasings’ impacts on the already polluted LaTrappe Creek and Choptank River. However, MDE’s requirement for the developer to return for future permit expansions is self-limiting. MDE’s purview does not extend beyond environmental impacts and specifically the controversial spray-irrigation sewage treatment system.
Resolution 338 Amendment 1 would allow consideration of the many other issues, not once vetted to date, to become open to discussion as future phases of the project move forward.
CFL and over 800 Talbot County petition signers encourage our Council members to support the Lesher/Mielke introduced Resolution 338 Amendment 1.
Committee to Fix Lakeside
Bob Wenneson, Laura Claggett, Eva Smorzaniuk, Mike McConnel
Donna Woolf says
Please publish or provide a link to Resolution 338.
Bob Wenneson says
Pauline Reiher says
Though I signed the petition my name was not on the list.
Hugh (Jock) Beebe says
I urge you to vote affirmatively to pass Resolution 338,as amended, Citizens, voting citizens, of Takbot County deserve the important process of well. Informed, thoughtful analysis the resolution requires.
Bill Anderson says
Crafted by Councilwoman Lynn Mielke after consultation with MDE, Resolution 338 would require the Lakeside developer to obtain an amendment to the County’s Comprehensive Water & Sewer Plan for each 100,000 Gallon Per Day increase in its MDE-permitted discharge. This would include a required certification from the Planning Commission that the increase is consistent with the County’s Comprehensive Plan.
Resolution 338 has the unanimous approval of both the County’s Public Works Advisory Board and the Planning Commission.
Kristina Herold says
I used to live very close to Trappe and have been appalled the huge pushback by corporate powers involved.They’ve been “at it” so secretively while stiff-arming public input…makes me weep with frustration. That area has always been the shoreline that revives my love of the Eastern Shore as I drove from Dover Street headed for Cambridge and other points south on rte.#50.That’s where I go to just sit and enjoy what used to be the beauty of the shoreline. I support the amendment 100%.
Cecilia Nobel says
“ In spite of this being the largest project in the County’s history this project has not even one time, in over 20 years since its inception, had a complete airing and review of likely impacts in the county. Not by current and former county councils, planning commissioners or Talbot County citizens. Infrastructure, traffic, schools, taxes, police/fire response, medical providers – all the subjects considered essential to good public planning – left unreviewed, questions unanswered.”
It appears that we, the citizens of Talbot County could and should have also had an impact study done of the proposed Lakeside Development. I wonder what professionals or organizations might do a creditable job and whether we could undertake such a study now. It would be very interesting as I and others I have talked to feel we are on the brink of being overdeveloped already given the shortage of available doctors, and traffic congestion on weekends and holidays in particular; and with Easton Club and Poplar Hill also waiting in the wings.
Reed Fawell 3 says
I provided such a report, 45 pages worth, and the powers to be refused to publish it, too embarrassed by it, I suspect.
Forest Hansen & Valerie Lamont says
How can we add our names?
Bob Wenneson says
petition is at
geometry dash lite says
Despite the fact that I signed the petition, my name appears nowhere on the list.