Reading news of the unanimous Senate vote to give the Congressional Medal of Honor to all Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police members who defended our Capitol on January 6 brought a modicum of solace to the tragic news of two more officers present that fateful day had taken their own lives.
It was also a reminder that on June 15, twenty-one members of Congress voted against awarding the medal to all the officers. One of those voting against the proposed bill was Congressman Andy Harris, representative of our district, using the excuse that he did not believe the armed mob breaching the Capitol was an insurrection as noted in the bill.
One may be willing to give Harris and the other twenty GOP legislators who voted against the bill some latitude if any of them introduced an amendment or other bill to honor the officers, but that did not happen. None were willing to acknowledge the bravery of those men and women. It is difficult imagining any of those representatives having the fortitude to stand in the shoes of those officers or making any real sacrifices in defense of our country. Do not forget their impertinence. Seek out better representation in the next election cycle.
Richard Marks
Kathy Bosin says
Amen, Richard.
Bob Kopec says
Mr. Harris only represents himself and not the Eastern Shore.
His departure is long overdue.
Darrell Parsons says
Hear! Hear!
Beverly Tilghman says
Thank you Richard!!
Suzanne Todd says
Just one of many reasons to vote him out of office.
Stephen Schaare says
Hi Richard, Once again, I need to remind you and the readers that none of the protestors on Jan. 6 brought firearms to the conflict. Grabbing a flag pole or a dispenser of disinfectant once on site does not an armed protestor make.
You can, in fact remove Dr. Harris from Congress by presenting, and supporting a Dem candidate whom will garner more votes in the election.
Choose an opponent, shower them with campaign funding, hit the sidewalks and explain how your opponent will better represent the 1st District. Yes, this is a slow, arduous process, and sometimes you lose. Good luck.
Eva M. Smorzaniuk, M.D. says
Please fact-check before you write! Two “protestors” in possession of handguns were arrested. Legal definition of “armed” is possessing any weapon intended to cause harm. So, baseball bats, bear spray, flag poles, and fire extinguishers do count!
Stephen Schaare says
Hi Eva, None of the protestors had firearms. I heard that twice on MSNBC. In addition, had that been the case, Nancy Pelosi would see they received a public hanging long ago.
Was Jan. 6 worse than the continued presence of the “Talbot Boys” in Easton? Sure sounds that way. The only person killed was a protestor, unarmed, by an officer because HE had a deadly weapon.
Let’s get some perspective here. Any person that pursues a career in law enforcement, fire fighting, military service, or working at a nuclear power plant knows very well there could be danger. An accountant, for example, would probably be safer in the long run. We are not talking about the shooting at Columbine high school, Or the bombing of the Murrah building in Oklahoma City.
I do, Indeed wonder if these protestors had been “hard left”, how you would describe their actions. This was not the bloodbath of Gettysburg, PA.
Richard Marks says
Hi Steve,
TSA disputes your definition of what constitutes an armed protestor. Eva’s reply is spot on.
In regards to your suggestion that I chose an opponent for Harris, I would be very comfortable with a Republican and wish one would run against Harris to unseat him in the primary.
By the way, I happen to notice you made a comment the other day responding to one of the articles about moving the monument. Something about not losing any sleep. Well, better start sleeping with one eye open so you can be awake to say goodbye when it leaves.
Michael Davis says
Kellyanne Conway said it best concerning those who support Harris and the mob attacking democracy on January 6th, namely, they are operating on Alternative Facts. Well, maybe she didn’t say it, but she invented the phrase “Alternative Facts” to explain the lies told by Trump. Alternative facts are no one carried firearms on January 6th, that they acted like tourists, that they were welcomed by the police, etc. Mr. Schaare minimized the violence by implying the mob only armed themselves with disinfectant dispensers. That is an alternative fact which in plain English is called a lie.
Judy Wixted says
So much for “Back the Blue”
Carolyn Jaffe says
Well spoken, my friend … and more reservedly than I would ever be able to utter!!! No sign of recognition for their valor or protection, nor any lessening of the insistence that this was a non-threatening incident … NO! Just further passing over the horror of the widely broadcast, terrifying videos, and use of terms like “visitors” on that day!
There must be people who can finally see the error of their loyalties when they see reporting of the horrible true facts of what actually happened Jan. 6 — I hope they will speak up!!!
Michael Hash says
My sentiments exactly. Why anyone would not honor those in uniform doing their duty is beyond me.