Having been recently taken to task for bestowing complimentary comments to Rep. Andy Harris with regards to “Easton Velocity “ and fiber optics , I have completed research to more fully educate my self . Shortly after contacting our congressman’s office I received the attached letter.
Please pay special attention to paragraph “5”.
With best regards to all.
Edward Clucas
Michael Pullen says
f you see broadband crews working in Talbot County, it’s no thanks to Andy Harris, who voted against extension of rural broadband in Talbot County.
In 2018, Andy Harris voted against H.R. 1625, establishing the USDA’s ReConnect Broadband Pilot Program, the funding source for the grant Easton Utilities’ received to extend broadband to rural parts of Talbot County. Every other Maryland Congressman voted for this Bill except Andy Harris. See, https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2018127
In 2019, Andy Harris voted against H.R. 748, the “CARES ACT” that appropriated funding for the USDA’s ReConnect Broadband Pilot Program. See, https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2019493.
Every other Maryland Congressman voted for the CARES ACT except Andy Harris. Only six members of Congress voted against this Bill, Andy Harris was one of them.
In 2021, Andy Harris voted against the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, H.R. 3684, another funding source for funding to USDA’s ReConnect Broadband program. See, https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2021208
Yes, our Congressman Andy Harris voted against the USDA’s ReConnect Broadband Pilot Program and has consistently voted against all funding for that Program. Harris voted against Talbot County citizens getting extension of rural broadband, against the jobs this project creates right now and the ongoing future benefits and opportunities broadband brings to Talbot County residents.
But, his “no” votes haven’t prevented Harris from claiming credit for Easton Utilities’ extension of rural broadband in Talbot County. He states, “Rest assured, I am committed to working to improve access to quality broadband internet for Marylanders living in rural areas.” Really?
He goes on, “You may be interested to know that, on July 31, 2020, I joined then USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue for the announcement of a $13.1 million Reconnect Program grant awarded to Easton Utilities.”
After Harris has consistently voted against creation of the USDA ReConnect Pilot Program and against funding that program, without shame, he brags about claiming credit by attending a press event announcing the grant to Easton Utilities.
If you support rural broadband and honest representation in Congress, replace Andy Harris with an honest representative who will actually support rural improvements, not vote against them and falsely claim credit for improvements he voted against.
Alan Boisvert says
It’s on the news almost daily the way Congresspeople and Senators are claiming credit for successful projects in their districts that they voted against. The term used is hypocrisy. This is nothing more than political lies and misinformation we all live with on a daily basis. As always, please do your own homework, find the FACTS as Michael Pullen did and believe no one.
Richard Allison says
Some further details for the Broadband initiative. The local providers are restricted to expanding to and in areas where another provider is not present. Locally, this means that Easton Utility can run fiber to rural locations and pass fiber through communities where necessary, but cannot provide service where service exists. Therefore if you rsdience or business is in a community that has another broadband provider, you cannot change to the broaband expansion initiative provider until the project is complete to the rural areas.
Willard T Engelskirchen says
Mr. Allison: And this means that there is no encouragement for competition. I am a Breezeline customer. Limiting competition will allow this company to keep prices high and make decisions like eliminating WBOC from its lineup because my household in Bozman is served by DC and Baltimore TV stations and therefore I need not news from our side of the bridge. Breezeline told me, in an email, that I could get WBOC on line. How convenient.
James Thomas Bruce III says
Taking Credit Where Credit Isn’t Due
Mr. Clucas’ recent letter mistakenly gives Rep. Andy Harris credit for his support of rural broadband by including a letter from Harris himself to constituents explaining what he did for rural broadband. While Harris’ own words show he is eager to win recognition for improving rural broadband, in truth his actions were scant, if not hypocritical. Sure, he issued a press release announcing a broadband grant to Easton utilities, but in fact Harris VOTED AGAINST final passage of the 3 bills that funded the rural broadband programs (the 2018 Agricultural Appropriations Act, the CARES Act, and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act ). Harris brags about co-sponsoring H Res 885. We are not stupid. A House Resolution does not become a law. H Res 885 would confer no authority nor funding. It consists of a series of whereas clauses followed by a feel-good statement about rural broad band. Besides, it never passed the House. Perhaps the worst of this charade is that as Chairman of the Agriculture Subcommittee of the powerful Appropriations Committee, Harris could have been a leader on funding rural broadband for Maryland and America, but again, he voted against passage of the crucial funding bills.
Jim Bruce is a member of the Democratic Forum and lives in St. Michaels
Michael Davis says
In paragraph 5, Andy states that he “joined in the announcement of…”; that he “cosponsoreed H.R. Res 885; and that he “supports efforts..”
Note there is not one word about voting for anything. And cosponsoring a bill means nothing. Hundreds of Congressmen cosponsor bills all the time and they are never voted on. Harris is counting on his readers not to understand how Congress works.
Michael Pullen’s comment well documents Harris’s hypocrisy. He does not VOTE to support the Eastern Shore.
Douglas Firth says
Here we are again trying to prop up Dr. Andy Harris for doing the right thing for his constituents on the Shore?? Not! He loves taking the credit as the aforementioned comments and news brief state but when it was time to stand up and vote for the rural broadband bill where was Andy? Not on the side of his people he’s supposed to represent. Now that our good friend Hugh Grunden is going to have some extra time on his hands after July he would have my vote to replace Any Harris when his time is up. He’s the man who has the Shore’s best interest at heart!
Thank you again Hugh for all you have done with Easton Utility and Easton Velocity!!
Jim Bachman says
“resolution” – lol
Jerry McConnell says
Actually, paragraph #5 doesn’t really say anything. Nor does the rest of his letter. It’s a typical bunch of Harris Hokum that one of his interns regurgitated because he can’t claim credit for anything except voting against the legislation. But he’s probably fooling some of these folks who are ready to believe anything he tosses out there—
like renewable energy is bad.