I was reminded by an overnight TV news analysis of the off-year elections that we are two-and-a-half years from July Fourth 2026, the 250th anniversary of America’s Declaration of Independence. That means we’re approaching a grand Quarter Millennial birthday celebration of the United States of America – either that or a pitched battle for survival of democracy as we know it. So long as Donald Trump remains the leading candidate for the Republican nomination, we’re at risk of that historical catastrophe.
Whether or not you support Trump’s candidacy makes little difference to him as long as you send him cash. He can’t be bothered to show up for debates because the disgraced ex-president has zero tolerance for elections that don’t guarantee his “victory.” They’re either rigged against him or he’ll try to rig them in his favor, or bust – as in getting busted. Again. His political ambition, aside from staying out of jail with presidential immunity, is to achieve the status of bullies and thugs he so admires, including war criminals (Putin) and nuke-happy lunatics (Kim).
The United States is by far and away the most powerful nation in world history. Such power is deadly dangerous in the hands of a pathological narcissist who, when he isn’t lying, gets it all wrong due to colossal ignorance about everything except promoting himself while cheating and denigrating anyone who holds him accountable. It makes him a greater national security menace than even our declared foreign enemies. Would you trust him not to sell to the highest bidder top-secret documents he stole from the White House and hid despite myriad federal subpoenas?
Now, under the stress of serial indictments and the civil trial that challenges his reputation as a billionaire and threatens to put his “empire” out of business, he’s gone bonkers. At a rally staged as counter-programing to the latest GOP debate he skipped, he once again displayed his geopolitical dyslexia by placing Hungary on the border of both Russia and Ukraine while complimenting its leader, Viktor Orban, for implicitly supporting Putin’s war. And in the next breath he gushed about the dictatorial rule of Kim Jong Un by observing that “1.4 million North Koreans know who’s boss.” Trump can’t even seem to remember who he ran against in 2016 and who he’ll likely face in ’24, proclaiming that he “beat Obama when no one said I could” and would beat him again.
Yet virtually the entire Republican Party has been turned into a MAGA cult. The vast majority of elected Republicans and party apparatchiks who should know better – even those who do know that he’d ruin the GOP and endanger national security – are too cowardly to stand against him. Looking to the House of Representatives as an example of what MAGA Republicans would do with a majority in both houses of Congress and the out-for-revenge Donald in the Oval Office, it amounts to accessory to insurrection to vote for ANY Republican who fails to denounce Trump as unfit, not only for president, but also for any position of authority in or out of government.
While I’m not saying never mind all the felony and civil charges on his rap sheet, I am saying that worse even than all his self-inflicted legal troubles is his aberrant lack of human empathy. Who routinely speaks ill of the dead? Who calls military heroes who died defending their country “suckers and losers”? Who would say that to the father of such a hero at the foot of the soldier’s grave at Arlington? Why didn’t John F. Kelly, a retired general and Trump’s first White House chief of staff, sock him in the jaw? Because he knew that without some presence of a decent person not afraid to tell him, “no, you can’t do this,” Trump would wind up inciting a violent mob somewhere along the line. It’s a miracle someone hasn’t yet been assassinated at his incendiary bidding. Any number of decent people in various capacities at the White House, in his Cabinet or chairing the Joint Chiefs of Staff hung on, at least in part, for that reason.
It started with Senator John McCain, especially after he cast the vote that defeated Trump’s determination to nullify Barack Obama by overturning the signature triumph of his predecessor as president – the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare. Trump called McCain a “loser” because he got shot out of the sky over Vietnam and courageously remained in the “Hanoi Hilton,” tortured for five years while refusing to be released until his fellow American POWs were released with him. Even though he was commander-in-chief, Trump was not invited to McCain’s funeral. But he is never remorseful. In 2018, at the centennial of the end of World War I, Trump refused to visit the American cemetery near Paris because it, too, was “filled with losers.” And in his post-presidency, he berated Mark Milley on the occasion of the Army general’s retirement as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Trump called Milley a “moron” and “traitor” – seems that he’s projecting again – who should be “executed” for calling allies and potential adversaries, principally China, to reassure them after the Jan. 6 insurrection that there would be no surprise military attacks on his watch.
There are also many egregious policy decisions by President Trump that the United States is still trying to recover from: canceling negotiations to thwart Iran’s efforts to become a nuclear military power, withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris Agreement to address the existential threat of climate change, and cheating with Mitch McConnell’s help to pack the Supreme Court with the intention to overturn Roe v. Wade. Be careful what you wish for, Donald. Go ahead and run on bragging about that! It appears to be a guaranteed loser.
But it is Trump’s open contempt for the military that should automatically disqualify him for the presidency. He’s repeatedly said out loud that injured and maimed veterans should be kept out of sight. The presence of amputees “doesn’t look good for me,” thinking only of himself as he also did in expressing contempt for Gold Star families during 2016 campaign rallies. To vote for Trump to be our commander-in-chief, again, is to surrender to the cult leader of the enemy within and the greatest threat to our freedom as a democracy.
As John Kelly put it in a CNN interview: “There is nothing else that can be said. God help us.”
Steve Parks
Jerry McConnell says
Well done, Mr Parks— all true, unfortunately….
It’s astounding that so many people who are directly or indirectly targeted for ridicule or hatred by The Orange Dunce not only support him, but love him.
This phenomenon has to be a first in this country—a candidate for office supported —without reservation— by an (obviously) intellectually challenged fan base who he derides and insults mercilessly. How any family member of any veteran in this country could support this moron is beyond comprehension.
Paul Rybon says
The reason that Trump is widely admired is because they have their eye on the ball, not worrying about Mr Trumps alleged past dalliances but rather what he tried to do as our POTUS. And he’s still doing it. I value my first, second and fourth amendment rights, which are the big pillars of Democracy. His are being denied right and left. Right now we should be focusing on our present POTUS, who, it seems, can’t give away our Countries sovernty to China and Iran fast enough.
Jerry McConnell says
Your comments reflect the common disconnect between make believe, fantasy, or illusion —any one or all —and reality —that many MagaDunce supporters are self-infected with.
Your suggestion that the President is giving away “….our Countries(sic) sovernty (sic) to China and Iran….” is nonsense, so don’t bother trying to explain what you mean. It’s an accusation made without explanation, evidence or substantiation…..
otherwise known as “lies” or, more politely, “bullshit”.
Your political flag bearer, in spite of your belief to the contrary, is charged with criminal behavior in three separate U.S. jurisdictions based his own acts and actions. He alone is responsible for the charges against him, and it’s never been necessary to manufacture claims against him because he’s an expert at attracting scrutiny and dishonest enough to make fabrications unnecessary.
All this has arisen because he—and his foolish supporters—cannot accept the fact that he lost an election. There has never been any evidence anywhere of anything
inappropriate occurring in that election process. Rather, it’s been completely unsubstantiated and unproven accusations that have fueled this narrative. It’s like believing something absurd or outrageous and repeating it for validation—whatever that’s called.
But there are a few things for you to believe and accept, and among them is the fact that former President Trump has been the most destructive, degrading, and dangerous leader this country has ever been subjected to. He has had a negative influence on our society unlike any other president in our history. And, he is determined to destroy our institutions and our democracy if he can get the chance.
Suzanne Todd says
Thank you, Steve. A great summary of the many reasons Trump is such a danger to our country and should never be allowed near the White House.
Vincent De Sanctis says
Mr. Parks has comprehensively accounted the amoral path that the ex-President has followed since he sought the presidency. But the most egregious aspect of this historic situation is that most Republicans, most pronounced its elected leadership, are tolerating Trump ‘s assault on American Democracy.
I disagree with those who argue that we need to respect the opinions of others who support Trump. This false equivalency is used to justify someone who caused major harm to the country. Trump supporters need to question why. Is achieving and retaining power worth compromising any value system?
Wilson Dean says
Thank you Mr. Parks for an excellent summary of all the reasons Trump should be ignored by those in his own party as well as by Independents and Democrats. Republicans have a clear and critical choice: either support your conservative principles or blindly follow a cult leader whose only priority is himself. You can’t have it both ways. I hope you choose wisely.
Rod Coleman says
Thank you — well said.
Barbara Lee Jefferson says
Very well said. Unfortunately rational, ethical readers of ‘The Talbot Spy’ already know this. Trump should NOT be eligible to run, period. I wouldn’t hire him to clean porta-potties. He is the worst of the worst. How do you handle a bully? Head on. Call his bluff. Don’t give him power. He is the Wizard of Oz, hiding behind a screen. Ignorant, bully, liar, cheater, rapist, narcissistic, immoral, prejudiced, low life jerk.
Trump should be behind bars. He tried to steal an election! He orchestrated the January 6 attack on the Capital. He is rotten scum. Maybe the 91 criminal indictments will give him a fatal heart attack.