These days we see many well deserved tributes to the heroes of the pandemic: medical personnel, first responders, and those many indispensable employees of grocery and drug stores.
Let me add another significant category to this local list: Director Dana Newman and the professional staff and dedicated volunteers at the Talbot County Free Library—both the Easton and St. Michaels branches.
Under Dana’s leadership, and that of Shauna Beulah in St. Michaels, the Library has been doing a superb job despite coronavirus-based limitations . It is hard to imagine any organization having done more or better. And all of this has been accomplished in a way that carefully protects both staff and patrons.
This outstanding service is entirely characteristic of the cheerful, smooth, and efficient way the Talbot County Free Library operates at all times. We know from many years on Army posts that the characteristics of the organization’s leader are reflected in the attitudes and performance of its members. The result is that everyone we meet at the Library is friendly, upbeat, helpful, knowledgeable, and clearly dedicated to superb customer service.
In that spirit, both library staff and volunteers have told me how pleased they are with Dana and Shauna as their bosses. In addition to providing skillful overall management, both operate in a collegial and hands-on manner—such that they are often seen themselves working at the check-out desk or patiently providing information for customers.
As frequent library patrons, we can say without qualification that without the benefits of the Library and its fine book collection, and links with regional counterparts, these past months would have been dreary indeed. We offer our wholehearted thanks to Dana and Shauna and their colleagues for providing such essential and matchless service during these difficult times.
Michaela and Gerry Early
Robert Horvath says
Here Here! I agree totally with the Early’s. Dana, Scotti and staff will always do a superb job. The library is a major asset for Talbot County!
Bob Horvath
Richard Marks says
Thanks for your leadership and outreach that truly embraces and educates are entire community. Thanks as well for partnering with Project Hopeful.
Richard Marks, Amy Haines and Kathy Bosin
Dock Street Foundation
Mary Hunt-Miller says
I totally agree with the Earlys’ comments. The Library has improved its services dramatically in the past couple of years and has recently been a huge help to me, personally, in getting through this pandemic! The staff are wonderful and the resources offered are numerous and excellent.
Thank you for your leadership Dana and Shauna. We are very proud of the library that we have in Talbot County. I hope many readers will send the library a donation to help it fulfill its mission.