Miranda Donnelly
Aging is a natural process in human development and there are certain common features of aging that we can anticipate. But where does “normal” aging end? In our first session, we will talk about what we can expect as we age and ways to identify and prepare for interruptions to these natural processes. We will consider physical, cognitive, sensory, sexual, emotional, and social features of aging and what we can do to make the most of the aging experience. In our second session, we will discuss life interruptions and the role of the Caregiver. When the familiar cadence of life is interrupted by injury, disease, or disability in ourselves or a loved one, we are challenged to adapt quickly. While much of the focus is on the individual whose body or mind is directly affected by the interruption, loved ones also experience significant changes to daily life. In this conversation, we will talk about the unique challenges of assuming the role of caregiver and ways we can adapt and maintain wellness.
Miranda Donnelly is a registered occupational therapist (OTR) who finds meaning in helping people participate in life after neurologic injury. Donnelly graduated from Towson University with a Masters in OT and, after working clinically with adults who experienced life interruptions due to neurologic conditions, is pursuing a PhD in occupational science at the University of Southern California. Donnelly works in the USC Neural Plasticity and Neurorehabilitation Laboratory, where she is involved in applying virtual reality-based human computer interfaces to stroke rehabilitation and studying factors that influence stroke recovery. She is also the host of the “OT Uncorked” podcast, in which she covers hot topics in occupational therapy with a glass of wine and guests from the profession. She currently resides in sunny Los Angeles and is newly married to her husband Sean. Choose between Live ZOOM Class Sessions or Recorded Tuesdays, April 13, 20 from 1:00-2:30 pm $20.To register for the course, or for more information about Chesapeake Forum classes go to https://chesapeakeforum.org/april-2021-courses or visit us on Facebook.
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