The Talbot County Garden Club recently kicked off planning for the 2024 Maryland House & Garden Pilgrimage’s Talbot County Tour. The tour, which invites visitors to several notable private properties, will take place the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend – May 11, 2024. Kim Eckert and Zandi Nammack co-chair the event.
“Our committee is focused on creating an event filled with extraordinary and enjoyable experiences at every stop,” says Eckert. “This year, the Club will be honored to use the proceeds generated by the tour to help restore and preserve two historic churches in Trappe.”
Nammack adds, “We have a fabulous array of properties for you to visit – from a largely untouched house built in the 1700’s to grand sweeping estates to houses packed with unique and creative touches that will inspire you. There is truly something for everyone on this tour.”
Properties on the tour include Canterbury Manor, Ellenborough and a lovely home on Hanson Street (all in Easton) plus Chlora’s Point Farm, Hayfields and Lloyd’s Landing (all in Trappe).
Scotts United Methodist Church and Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church in Trappe will benefit from the tour
Chairs of the tour sub-committees include:
Advertising: Louise Peterson
Flowers: Mary Helen Cobb
Homeowners’ Party: Eleanor Denegre and Maxine Millar
Hospitality: Georgia Adler and Susie Granville
Hostesses: Chloe Pitard
House Selection: Sally Akridge, Caroline Benson, Laura Carney, Christine Dayton, Kim Eckert, Zandi Nammack and Nancy Thompson
Parking: Colleen Doremus and Carolyn Rugg
Patrons: Pat Lewers and Zandi Nammack
Photography: Laura Carney and Marsie Hawkinson
Publicity: Pam Keeton and Rita Mhley
Publicity Design: Rebecca Gaffney
Road Markers: Caroline Benson and Nancy Thompson
Script: Sara Robins, Kim Eckert and Zandi Nammack
Tour Bells: Caroline Benson
Treasurer: Virginia Sappington
More information about each of the properties, as well as ticket information will be available in the new year.
Pam LeGates says
please advise when tickets go on sale. thank you.
Tricia Barlow says
I would love to be informed of all garden club events.