Del. Heather Mizeur (D-Mont. Co., Dist. 20) will address the major issues of the 433rd legislative session and her thoughts on running for the 2014 Democratic gubernatorial nomination at the Democratic Club of Queen Anne’s County’s February 7 meeting at Fisherman’s Inn, Kent Narrows.
Since 2007, Heather has served Takoma Park and Silver Spring in the Maryland General Assembly, where she is a member of the Appropriations Committee and Vice Chair of its Education and Economic Development Subcommittee. Heather has been twice named one of the state’s Top 100 Women. The Baltimore Sun called Heather “one of the leading environmental advocates in the General Assembly. She was instrumental in passage of the Marriage Equality Act and is a leading proponent on a hydraulic fracturing moratorium to permit a study of environmental and public safety concerns.
The event will begin at 6:30 pm with a social and the formal meeting will start at 7pm. refreshments will be provided. The public is welcome to attend.
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