The St. Michaels Art League (SMAL) is sponsoring an exhibit “Excellence in High School Art” during the month of May at the St. Michaels Library.
Sixteen pieces chosen by the SMMHS Art Teachers, four from each class, will be exhibited. Awards will be presented by SMAL on May 11th from 5:30-6pm at the library.
SMAL also supports aspiring young local artists by sponsoring the participation of up to 4 students in the annual “Celebrate St. Michaels” banner program. Up to 36 banners by SMAL members and students featuring local scenes decorate the utility poles from April – November.

Trystan Lee, 11th Grade: “Hidden World”
In addition, on an annual basis, SMAL presents a scholarship award of up to $2000 to a student pursuing study in a design related field. Candidates are recommended by SMMHS Art Faculty and the winner is selected following review of the student portfolios by SMAL. The scholarship award is paid directly to the educational institution.
The St. Michaels Library is located at 106 Fremont St. in St. Michaels. The student artwork exhibit may be viewed in the rear gallery during regular library hours.
This program is funded in part by a grant from the Talbot County Arts Council with revenue provided by the Maryland State Arts Council.
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