While the holiday season does bring good tidings and cheers for all, Jenn Williams, the executive director of Mid-Shore Mediation, would add mediation to that list.
At a time when our society is becoming more and more divided on both the political and cultural front, Jenn, with her small army of dedicated staff and volunteers, is proving, with over 600 cases a year, that medication does indeed work, even with young people.
In fact, the lion’s share of Mid-Shore’s mediation casework takes place at the school level with stunning results. Not only do they work with students experiencing conflict with peers, but they also have been hugely successful in student-teacher challenges that not only lead to positive outcomes for the participants, but for entire classrooms.
The Spy sat down with Jenn a few weeks ago to talk about Mid-Shore Mediation, a group she has worked for decades as its youth coordinator before becoming their new director last year. In her interview, Jenn outlines this remarkably successful record.
This video is approximately five minutes in length. For more information about Mid-Shore Mediation please go here
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