On Thursday February 19, 2015, the Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy (MRC) worked with 3rd grade students at White Marsh Elementary School.
MRC Staff, Natalie Costanzo and Suzanne Sullivan and volunteer Kathleen Franke, led the students on fun, interactive activities to learn about how they can reduce pollution in our rivers.
One goal of the program is to help the children learn how to better manage waste, so that they might contribute to a cleaner environment over time. The program incorporates Maryland curriculum standards in an interesting and fun way for the children.
The second part of the program teaches children how to create their own art collage, reusing colorful pieces of recyclable materials. Constance del Nero, Education Coordinator of the Academy Art Museum, takes the children step-by-step on creating a fish collage.
Third-graders from Easton Elementary School, St Michael’s Elementary School, The Country School and Saints Peter and Paul Elementary School have also taken part in this program.
Photos taken by Ole Danielson
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