The colorful new logo for Talbot Arts was designed to represent the vibrant, diverse creative communities across Talbot County.
Colorful, bold, dynamic, fresh—all words to describe a new logo and a new brand for Talbot County Arts Council. As of April 1, 2021, the organization will be known as Talbot Arts, dedicated to supporting Talbot County’s vibrant, diverse and inclusive arts community. More than a year in the making, the Board of Directors, led by President Nancy Larson, and executive director Joan Levy are thrilled to release the new name and logo as they begin the next chapter in the now 34-year-old organization.
The new look and name are strategic. Talbot Arts supports a local arts community that broadly spans all ages, locations, and creative mediums. Rich diversity was the inspiration for the organization’s new messaging, as Talbot Arts looks ahead to the ways arts and artists will continue to evolve in the future.

Allison Speight, one of the founders of Continuum Dance, performs in front of an original mural by Easton artist Shelton Hawkins in a photoshoot for the new web rebranding of Talbot Arts.
In addition to a new logo and name, the organization is also launching a new website. Featuring artwork by local muralist Shelton Hawkins and colorful portraits of local Talbot County artists, composers, dancers, photographers and singers, the site conveys the spectrum of creative expression within the local community. The site also provides grant opportunities for students, groups, and schools, ways for community members to sign up for updates and news, links to Talbot Arts’ social accounts, and more.
“This new branding, logo, and name reflect the ways Talbot Arts is looking to the future,” said executive director Joan Levy. “As our arts communities change and grow, we need to reflect that, and provide the tools and resources necessary to create a rich arts environment for our County.”
Founded in 1987, Talbot Arts is the official designee of the Maryland State Arts Council for the purpose of regranting state arts funding and for supporting the artistic and cultural health of the County. Governed by a board of up to fifteen members representing all aspects of the arts and in different regions of Talbot County, Talbot Arts establishes policies and makes decisions on funding requests from arts organizations, arts programs in non-arts organizations, and from the schools, as well as on summer arts scholarships for highly qualified high school students.
To learn more, visit them at: www.talbotarts.org or follow them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TalbotCountyArtsCouncil or Instagram @talbot_arts
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