The popular summer youth camps run by Talbot County Parks and Recreation are anticipated to begin June 29 for campers ages five to 12 years of age. Although the camps have been modified somewhat to comply with the Maryland Department of Health Order related to the coronavirus, the camps will focus more than ever on having fun and getting exercise in the great outdoors. Modifications to this year’s camps include limiting the size of the camps so that there will be eight youth per group; requiring masks for youth ages nine and older as well as camp staff, and adhering to social distancing requirements; screening campers for COVID-19 symptoms daily; and implementing prevention and infection control measures.
According to Preston Peper, Talbot County Parks and Recreation Director, this year’s camps will build on the success of last year, bringing engaging field trips and special activities to the campers to eliminate travel on buses. Last year, 673 campers participated in the County’s summer camps. He states, “We have the opportunity to bring some amazing programs to our campers this year – from wacky outdoor water games and laser tag to new and engaging crafts to entertaining guest presentations, movies, and weekly special lunches. With the restrictive quarantine that kids have had to endure this spring, we want them to come to our camps this summer to have some old-fashioned fun.”
The County hopes to continue its evening co-ed sports clinics in basketball, volleyball, and soccer for youth in first grade through eighth grades as well as the Summer Dance Program. Because of the coronavirus, however, swimming lessons through the Sink or Swim program will not be offered as the County’s pools will remain closed throughout the summer. Depending on the Governor’s orders, the Parks and Recreation Department anticipates holding its annual skate nights.
“We are excited to offer summer camp opportunities to provide childcare for the parents as they return to work and to allow the kids to be active and social again! Our counselors are going through new and different training to adhere to the new guidelines and policies, but we are all excited to see the campers and ready to enjoy another fun summer together,” says Emily Gilmer, Recreation Manager for Talbot County Department of Parks and Recreation.
Talbot County Golf Course is also offering its 2020 Junior Golf Camp for youth ages eight to 17. Camp sessions are June 22-25, July 20-23, and August 18-21. The camps are limited to the first 20 people who sign up for each session. Campers will be required to wear masks when they arrive each day and then can remove masks if they wish in smaller groups. Each camper and coach will have a temporal temperature scan taken and if not within the required range, they will not be allowed to participate. For further information, visit
Corey Pack, President, Talbot County Council, comments, “The County’s Summer Camp Program has been a huge success. This year the camp will play an even more important role as families go back to work and need safe and healthy programming for their children.”
The County camps will be held at the Talbot Community Center beginning on June 29 and continuing through August 21. For further information or to register for Talbot County Summer Camps, visit
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