Can you explain how this piece of equipment at the Fox Canning Company in Queen Anne, Maryland, worked? We wish the two men could be identified. The year is not given for this Talbot Historical Society Laird Wise Collection photo but in researching the Fox Canning Company an August 1967 Salisbury, Maryland “ The Daily Times” article explained the shortage of labor challenges for Frederick Fox that summer. Fred Fox said, “he needed several hundred people to pick corn because the wind and heavy rain that year made it impossible for a mechanical harvest. “ Things were so desperate labor wise in 1967 Fred Fox said “ he appealed to Gov. Spiro T. Agnew for prison labor to help with the corn harvest.”
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Penny Reynolds says
This is a corn husker machine. The corn was placed in the slots and carried to the husker. Next it went to the cutter where the corn was cut off and sent to the inspection line on a belt before being processed and canned. I worked at Fox Cannery as many other local teenagers did in the sixties. My Dad was Plant Manager. I almost lost a finger in the corn husker one day! We made what we thought was good money for that time. Long days but good memories.