Maybe you have some history stories to be shared about these buildings? The first building which looks like it’s two here is located on the corner of South Washington and Vine Streets near the Easton Memorial Hospital! It appears in this picture that the entrance to the Vine Street building was on the side. Behind it Newnam Funeral Home grave monuments were visible. Was the first building their showroom, office space? The second smaller attached building may have been Dawkins Market at that time? My personal 1968 memories are that those two buildings together made up wonderful Dawkins Market? But what was the third distance building that is now a parking lot for the building that used to be Doc’s Quick Shop but is now R R Beer Liquor & Wine? Photo from the Talbot Historical Society’s Laird Wise Collection. You can see a satchel of Laird Wise’s photo equipment on the street corner by the mail box!
Contact: Cathy Hill [email protected] to share your old photos and purchase our collections photos. Comment, Like our page and join the Talbot Historical Society!