There is an old saying in marketing that an individual needs to be reminded at least seven times before they purchase a product or service. That number might be low in terms of educating the general public about hospice care and programs.
Part of the reason for that is a simple fact that dying is a scary subject. And this is true for not only those facing a life-threatening condition but also their loved ones, including children.
Nonetheless, as Talbot Hospice director Vivian Dodge and board member Susie Dillon talk about it our most recent Spy interview, this 37-year-old organization is dedicated to saying over and over again, as long as it takes, the importance of this critical stage of life for the entire Talbot County community. And part of that mission is to encourage families to talk candidly about end of life concerns, guide them to support and resources for palliative care, and encourage participation in grieving programs for both young and old.
This video is approximately three minutes in length. For more information about Talbot Hospice please go here.
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