Channel Marker is a recipient of a $600,000 grant from the Van Strum Foundation toward the construction and furnishing of a 2,650 square foot eight-bed residential Crisis Center with lounge, kitchen and access to exercise room and computer lounge all located at Channel Marker on Glebe Park Drive in Easton. The Center will serve as a much-needed alternative to psychiatric hospitalization for Mid-Shore Talbot, Dorchester, and Caroline Counties. Part of this grant will go toward an endowment fund in support of the Center. At the request of the Van Strum Foundation and Trustees, Cecilia and Robert Nobel, the Crisis Center will be named The Bridge at Channel Marker. The Foundation worked with Channel Marker staff identifying best sources for furnishing, murals, and therapeutic photos. These sources included The Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals in Florence, Italy who generously responded and shipped 15 framed and enlarged photographs as a gift for Crisis Center bedrooms.
Channel Marker Receives a Major Mental Health Grant
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