Chesapeake Forum is proud to present Payne Kilbourn who will trace the history of climate change policy development and explore the processes put in place to address and fund the issue. Although Congress has not enacted legislation to address climate change, the U.S. Government has pursued various policies to address climate change and has funded many initiatives associated with climate change. Come to your own conclusions regarding the successes, failures, and perhaps, the unintended consequences, of government policies in the struggle to make a difference. This one session HYBRID course takes place Tuesday, Mar 15 from 1:00 to 2:30 pm, $10. You may choose in-person at the Easton Peachblossom YMCA, Zoom or Recording.To register for this class visit the website at
Payne Kilbourn is educated and trained as a nuclear engineer and has written about the scientific basis of climate change. He holds a M.A. from George Washington University in Political Science (Legislative Affairs). He was a Federal Executive Fellow at Brookings and focused on bureaucratic processes in the federal government.
Jim Franke says
From someone’s letter to the Star-Democrat editor in 2017:
“Payne Kilbourn in his letter denying global warming caused by man states, “I am not a climate scientist.” Well, that’s a problem since climate scientists who comprise the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the American Meteorological Society, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration agree that global warming is occurring at an unprecedented pace and is caused by human activity, the use of fossil fuels — coal, oil and natural gas.
Mr. Payne states that, “CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have little if any impact on the climate.” “