The Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint, that includes community Watershed Implementation Plans to restore the Bay’s health, calls for significant investments from businesses, government, and citizens. Some view the Blueprint as the most hopeful effort toward cleaning up the estuary in a generation. Others believe investing in the plan’s delivery is irresponsible when water quality impacts associated with the Conowingo Dam at the Bay’s head have not been adequately addressed.
“The Conowingo Dam: Clean Water Impacts, Perspectives, and Solutions” is a moderated discussion of diverse viewpoints about the water quality challenges and opportunities associated with the Conowingo Dam. Sponsored by the Nanticoke Watershed Alliance, issue perspectives from a diverse panel are being presented with reactions and discussion from community leaders and the audience to follow. The program is intended to raise awareness about this important clean water issue and provide a forum for advancing solutions.
A panel discussion will be moderated by Don Rush, News Director of Public Radio Delmarva. Panelists include: Dr. William Dennison, Vice-President of Science Applications, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Ron Fithian, Chair, Clean Chesapeake Coalition and Kent County Commissioner, Charles D. “Chip” MacLeod, Attorney, Funk & Bolton P.A., and Dr. Beth McGee, Senior Water Quality Scientist, Chesapeake Bay Foundation. A moderated question and answer session will follow.
The Nanticoke Watershed Alliance is a consensus building organization that builds upon partnerships to conserve the natural, cultural and recreational resources of the Nanticoke River watershed. Partnership representation includes academia, industry, agriculture, development professionals, conservation groups, government and more.
Wednesday, April 17th (6:30 ~ 8:30pm) @ Dorchester County Public Library, 303 Gay Street, Cambridge, MD 21613
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