Today, the Spy continues its informal series on profiling candidates running for office in 2022. Over the next eight months, we will be offering long-form interviews with those running for Maryland’s Governor, Attorney General, MD Congressional District 1, and several local elections in Dorchester, Kent, and Talbot Counties.
As per our educational, nonpartisan mission concerning all public affairs on the Mid-Shore, we believe these in-depth conversations offer a unique alternative to the traditional three-minute sound bite or quick quote. We will be talking to each candidate about their background, qualifications, and policy priorities as well as how they differentiate themselves from others running for the same office.
We continue with Heather Mizeur, candidate for Maryland’s 1st Congressional District. She served as a member of the Maryland House of Delegates from January 10, 2007 to January 14, 2015, representing the 20th district in Montgomery County.
This video is approximately 17 minutes in length. For more information about Heather Mizeur for Congress please go here.
Charles Barranco says
When will Heather Mizeur debate Dave Harden?
Stephen Schaare says
Charles, No disrespect, but your question is moot. Steve
Niccolo Tartaglia says
After listening to this, I went through Heather’s Economy First Plan, and I fail to see how many of the policy prescriptions will actually help the current economic mess we are in.
Temporarily suspending the Federal Gas Tax, for instance, will simply increase demand relative to existing supply…increasing prices and reducing government revenue. This is more government stimulus in another form, and generally not helpful to prices. Increasing supply by tapping the strategic petroleum reserves while we have a proxy war in the Ukraine doesn’t seem obvious to me, and neither do I think obliquely threatening oil and gas companies over costs is likely to get them to produce more either.
I also wonder how increasing the Federal Minimum Wage is going to help labor costs that ultimately get passed to consumers, or why its even needed in the tightest labor market with the lowest labor participation rates in a generation.
There is only so much you can blame on the supply chain. It’s like blaming being overweight on the pint of ice cream. You are the one who lifted the spoon and ate it. (I love ice cream almost as much as the Fed loves quantitative easing.)
At the end of the day, there are too many dollars chasing too few goods. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema saw this to their credit, and I think Andy Harris was right to vote against it…despite what you think of any of them. A lot of the rest of the plan put forward seems reminiscent of what we already have floating around in Congress and not passing for good reason. With respect, it isn’t original.
Stephen Schaare says
Niccolo, Stop! You are making too much sense!
Sandra Wieland says
What we don’t need are more give away programs, taxes, strangling regulations, idiotic policies of Biden administration.
Bob Parker says
While Heather Mizeur and Dave Harden are toward the 2 poles of the Dem party, they have 1 characteristic in common that make them superior to Rep Harris, that being ideas! They each have experiences that would benefit the Eastern Shore, Maryland and Congress, and neither would embarrass their constituents. However, while Mizeur’s record and desire to work across the aisle is admirable, and desirable, success in this endeavor requires a receptive audience on the other side, and the make up of the GOP in Congress does not auger well for success in that regard. I look forward to and honest exchange of ideas and plans between Mizeur and Harden, and then between the successful Dem nominee and Harris as both conversations would be illuminating.