Yesterday, Kamala Harris gave two public speeches after receiving Joe Biden’s endorsement to be the Democratic nominee for President. At both speeches, Harris spoke, with heartfelt emotion, about her love and respect for Biden, about his love for his country, and his relentless efforts to do the right thing for the American people. I found myself feeling an emotion that I have not felt in a long time—Hope.
When Harris and her husband Doug Emhoff arrived at Biden’s campaign headquarters in Delaware later in the day, Biden called in and thanked his diligent staff for all their efforts and encouraged them to give that same full court press attitude to Harris. He told Harris that, “You’ve always had my back and I will always have yours.”
When Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff introduced his wife, Kamala, he talked about how kind the Bidens were when Biden announced that Harris would be his VP candidate. He said that Jill and Joe invited them to their home in Rehoboth, and then the Bidens called his children, Ella, and Cole, and welcomed them to the family. He said that it’s been like that ever since.
When Harris spoke to the campaign staff, she expressed her love and respect for Biden and talked about his faith, his love of family and his dedication and never-ending energy to make America a better place for all Americans.
Harris did not call her opponent “dumb as a rock.” She did not say he was “the world’s worst president in the history of this country.” She did not comment on his looks or make demeaning comments. There was no vitriol. No cruelness. No mean-spirited retorts.
So, this rare emotion that I haven’t felt for a long time surfaced. I realize it is early days in the campaign, and I have my Pollyanna glasses on. But maybe, just maybe, it is possible to live in a country where there is inclusivity, climate awareness, respect for all points of view, grace, and kindness.
As Hemingway said in the last line of The Sun Also Rises, “Isn’t it pretty to think so?”
Maria Grant was principal-in-charge of the Federal human capital practice of an international consulting firm. While on the Eastern Shore, she focuses on writing, reading, piano, kayaking, biking, and nature.
Rose Potter says
I am fully encouraged about Kamala Harris’campaign. I am encouraged to think there is hope for this country to be united in a positive way. Not always agreeing with one another but able to walk away amicably in all situations. President Biden has done a wonderful job this past almost 4 yrs. I thank him and appreciate him for all he did. Kamala Harris, I salute you!
Maria Grant says
Thanks for your comments. Much appreciated.
Gary Marquardt says
Thank You for Your words of encouragement and reinforcement of our VP Kamala Harris and we pray for her Success and Strength in this Election!
Rich Long says
Harris is so warm and empathetic that she called Joe Biden a racist during the 2020 primary. Now, that’s grace and kindness personified.
Seriously, how much did the Harris campaign pay you to write this puff-piece about your emotional girl crush? We’d like to know, so we can get paid for writing fan-fiction, too!
Meredith Baynham Watters says
Rich Long, please site specific reference on Harris calling Biden “racist”. I can not find that mentioned anywhere.
trudy wonder says
AP Fact Check: Kamala Harris did not call Joe Biden a racist on the debate stage
AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Harris criticized Biden on certain topics related to race during a debate in June 2019, but she prefaced those remarks with “I do not believe you are a racist.”
William Keppen says
Everyday American owe an eternal debt of gratitude to Joe Biden for his years of service and support and leadership on so many things that benefit the American people. We must be the wind in VP Harris’s sails as the journey continues.
Barbara Denton says
Good grief! Harris called Trump a sexual molester, a fraudster and a cheat in her speech at her supposed campaign headquarters. She did it again today. She is dumb as a rock. She got her start having an affair with married Willie Brown. He was 61 and she was 30. As President of the California assembly he appointed her to two commissions which paid over $200,000 per year and required one day’s work for each in Sacramento. This went on until he was elected mayor of San Francisco when he dropped her.
He stated in his autobiography that Kamala should never be president as she was not qualified to do it. Your Pollyanna glasses are working overtime in this instance. She refuses to preside over the speech that Netanyahu is giving to the joint session of Congress. That gives you a glimpse of her antisemitism. It is her job. Too bad she refuses to do it.
Brad Hopkins says
Wilson Dean says
The courts have already documented and established that Donald Trump is a sexual molester, a fraud, and a cheat. The only thing Kamala Harris has done is to state the truth.
Barbara Denton says
The only thing the courts documented is the bias of NY against anyone named Trump. The sexual charges were a civil case brought by shall we say a confused woman. The whole suit was financed by Reid Hoffman a major democrat donor. NY law was changed to allow the suit to proceed. The so-called victim does not know what year it happened. She is recalling what for her part is a fantasy. She needs a psychiatrist.
The civil case brought by the state of NY against Trump over getting a loan based on the valuation of Maralago is another put up fake case. Judge Enduron has no experience in property values. He says Maralago is worth 18 million dollars in total. One parking lot in Maralago is worth more than 18 million dollars. Again Trump’s rights were shoved under the rug so Latetia James could fulfill her promise to get Trump. The banks who made the loan had no problem with it and testified to this. It made no difference. Enduron stated he was guilty before any testimony was heard.
The case with Judge Marchon was another twisting of Federal Law made to apply as a state charge which really was no charge at all. Alvin Bragg was bound and determined to charge Trump with something so he came up with a fake charge. The whole case was a sham and Trump was not allowed to present evidence which would point this out.
It is real easy to boil this down to a sexual molester, fraud and cheat to an uninformed bunch of TDS thinkers. The record needs to be correct.
Bill Aiken says
Why did a jury of his peers convict him? Why won’t any of his former cabinet members endorse him? Not even his own vice president? Barbara my guess is they know who he is, and he is not qualified to be president of this great country.
How is it that Trump keeps claiming he’s a victim. Maybe he’s just a for real fraudster and convicted felon.
Barbara Denton says
Mike Pence will not endorse him because he failed to do his duty on January 6 and he is ashamed. He wanted to run this year and got summarily put down by the rest of the party for being a coward. I know Ben Carson, Mike Pompeo and others have endorsed him. The Republicans are more united than ever as opposed to disenfranchised Dems. Enduron is the fraudster. E. Jean Carroll was not sexually molested. Her tale is a fantasy that Reid Hoffman financed so she could bring the suit which has not merit whatsoever. Marchon is the cheat. He conducted that trial like a Soviet proceeding. Trump is still under a gag order so his daughter can continue to make millions from public relations for Dem candidates. The case has more holes in it than Swiss cheese.
Maria Grant says
I don’t even know how to respond to your comments other than to say they smack of racism and sexism. Or I could say that the only reason the alternative is there is because of an inheritance of multi-million dollars from his father and a VP candidate who has been propped up from a hedge fund millionaire for years but we won’t go there.
D M Murden says
She has been charge of the BOARDER, DISGUSTING enough said!!
Richard Marks says
While I am pleased the polls are reflecting a shift and our country may avoid the dangers of Trump as President, I am disappointed to hear VP Harris on the stump in Wisconsin railing against ‘big corporations”. Painting all large companies with a broad brush, as I recall President Obama and other politicians have done, may be a welcome populist message to some, but it is unfair and an affront to most companies that pay their fair share of taxes and embrace and value their workforce. We must stop the us against them divisiveness if we ever expect to heal wounds and solve issues.
Maria Grant says
I appreciate your comments. Thanks for writing. I agree that it is dangerous to generalize about corporations and taxes but a recent GAO report state that many large corporations pay almost nothing in taxes and many others average about 9 percent. It is complicated and certainly more judicious tax reforms are needed. Again, thanks.
Richard Marks says
I am 100% in favor of a 15% minimum corporate tax!!! If our candidate wants businessess to pay their fair share then phrase it accordingly. I have not seen the GAO report you reference, but I sure hope they were more precise than “many.
You are most welcome.
trudy wonder says
Your caution is warranted. We all need to be wary of falling back on generalizations. Thanks for calling it out when you see it. I for one am sometimes guilty. If we’re honest with ourselves, I think we’d all admit we fall into this trap periodically.
On this topic, it is true that the data do show a propensity for prioritization of profits over people at publicly traded corporations. I believe the advent of quarterly earnings reporting (1970) to be a huge contributor. I’ve worked at several Fortune 100 companies in my time and was privy to leadership discussions behind layoffs and other cutbacks which were in large part driven by and designed to boost short-term profits to satiate shareholders. Often, hiring resumed shortly after as additional staff were still needed. But the short term action allowed the books to appear as desired for that reporting period. All legal, though perhaps amoral considering that these actions can destroy families and savings.
Kurt Grumbach says
She is so far left it makes Hussein look like a Conservative. You think we are in debt now, just grab the seat of your pants and hang on. She and the illegal migrants will Bankrupt the country. Democrats have a ball becoming a Socialist Country.
trudy wonder says
Actually… Donald Trump Added Twice As Much to National Debt in his first term as Joe Biden, with 7 months remaining in his term.
Trump: $8.4t ($4.8t adjusted for non-Covid relief spending)
Biden: Biden $4.3t ($2.2t adjusted for non-Covid relief spending)
Source: CRFB as reported in Newsweek, Axios, The Hill, etc.
Investopedia features a chart by U.S. President. According to their modeling, Trump has adding 33.1% to the deficit while Biden has added 8.8%. Franklin D. Roosevelt is at the top of the chart with 791.8%.
Per The Washington Post, the national debt is set to reach historic levels within years, but experts say neither President Biden nor Donald Trump has plans that would stabilize the U.S. financial future.
trudy wonder says
This week was a welcome return to hope, light and laughter. Let it continue.
Maria Grant says
Thanks so much for all your comments. You make some excellent and insightful points.
Patricia Bradley says
I too feel hope, and I hope many people read this.