Queen Anne’s County Commissioners invite you to attend a Town Hall meeting regarding the US 50/301 Ramp Management Pilot Program on Kent Island. This event will be an opportunity for residents to listen, learn, and discuss the program that was implemented this fall, the results of the study, and the county’s proposal for the 2024 summer season.
Event Details:
Date & Time:
Thursday, April 10, 2024, at 6:30 PM Wednesday, April 10
Bayside Elementary School
301 Church Street, Stevensville
The Town Hall will begin at 6:30 PM with a self-guided presentation regarding the program including results of the study and next steps. A formal presentation will begin at 7:00 PM followed by an opportunity for residents to provide feedback.
There will be representatives from Queen Anne’s County Commissioners, Office of the Sheriff, Emergency Services, Public Works, Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration and the Maryland Transportation Authority.
To review the results from the pilot program and see the proposed plan for the 2024 Summer, please visit https://mdot-sha-us50-kent-iss-traffic-mgmt-study-qa50kitms-maryland.hub.arcgis.com/.
To gain further insights, Queen Anne’s County Commissioners worked with QACTV to address commonly asked questions. The playlist can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoVMDUC4qSM&list=PL9KU_Pam3GcdeDudC09RCW_Qs1tWCRda5.
For those unable to attend the town hall meeting, public comments are encouraged via email at [email protected]. Please include “Pilot Program Town Hall” in the subject line. We also welcome public comment during every County Commissioner meeting, held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. See www.qac.org for more information.
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