The state’s COVID-19 positivity rate has topped 4% since Aug. 7, with Monday’s 7-day average at 4.21%. The positivity rate had been below 4% from April 27 through Friday.
The rate reached a low of 0.54% on June 8; the high of 26.88% was recorded on April 17, 2020.
On Monday, Maryland reported 400 patients hospitalized for COVID-19. The number of hospitalized patients had dropped below 400 on May 27 and hit a low of 97 on July 2. The high, on Jan. 12, was 1,952 patients.
The state’s case rate, the number of COVID-19 cases per 100,000 population, has topped 10 since Aug. 5. That rate had been below 10 from May 8 until Aug. 4.
Maryland’s highest case rate — 53.39 — was recorded on Jan. 12, a low of 0.90 was reported on June 24 and 25. (The rate was at 0.80 and below from March 23 to March 25, 2020, the first three days that statistic was reported by the state.)
*New cases in last 24 hours.
The Spy obtains information for the above chart between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Statewide data is updated about 10 a.m. each day. Johns Hopkins updates its data throughout the day.
Key points for today
• Since Aug. 6, Talbot County has reported 20 new COVID-19 cases. The county’s 7-day average positivity rate is 3.31%.
• Maryland’s average positivity rate has been on an upward trend since July 13 and has been above 4% for three days.
• The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Maryland is now at 475,184, an increase of 629 in the last 24 hours.
• In the last 24 hours, seven people died as a result of COVID-19, bringing the state’s total to 9,648.
• The number of patients currently hospitalized is 424, up 24 from yesterday.
trudy wonder says
THAKN YOU for keeping us informed on local trends.
Linda Baker says
One statistic is missing. How many of these people with Covid have received the shot. I’m hearing 75% of people getting Covid have already had the shot. I know 3 myself. So what is really going on?
Pam Oliver says
Hi Linda, I’m not a doc or anyone trying to convince anyone of anything. Just a neighbor offering my understanding. This is only opinion! I believe that the vax significantly lessens the effects of Covid. Clearly, vaccinated are contracting & spreading Covid. However, having the vax onboard is helping the body combat the virus. It’s likely that vaccinated can have Covid and not be aware. If my take is correct, choosing to get the vaccine can save someone from severe illness and death. It also lessens the strain on medical professionals & hospitals. What I don’t understand is Herd Immunity & the purpose of pushing everyone to be vaccinated. Why tell unvaccinated that they are responsible for the spread if vaccinated can spread, too? Perhaps, vaccinated spread more because they don’t have symptoms and realize they are sick? Now, the cry is to bring masks back because the vaccine was not enough to stop the spread? If I hear someone say “follow the science” one more time… I’ve tried to follow it and have whiplash. (BTW – The World Health Organization claims that Herd Immunity can be reached through vaccination or previous infection. They also say that vaccinations break any chains of transmission.) I’d love to know what it will take to really control the disease. Is it a certain percentage of vaccines? How does that work if the transmission can still occur? Me – I am grateful that my family & I are vaccinated. I lost a close friend and two acquaintances who were the 1% -not in the vulnerable group. I can not stand masks, but think it makes sense that vaccinated & unvaccinated should wear when inside, around anyone who may not be vaccinated. I hope my grandkids don’t grow up in a world where we can only see strangers smile with their eyes. I’m also signing off now so that I can take them outside for a walk. Not that any of this matters, because everyone’s opinion should matter. 24-7 Keyboards make it easier for all of us to get caught up in the ever-evolving science. Instead of figuring out what we can do to help neighbors, fear has people preaching, blaming, and guilting.