We have all heard the pleas from our political leaders, our actors and athletes, our schools, our neighbors, even our favorite local businesses: Stay Home and Stay Safe. Unfortunately, for victims of family violence, home may not be the safest place. Being stuck home with an abuser increases the risk for all kinds of abuse, including physical, emotional, health/medical, economic and isolation. Combine this with the confusion of having courts closed, and victims can feel trapped.
Mid-Shore Council on Family Violence wants all victims of domestic violence to know that they can get help during this time of uncertainty, that that they can still get protective orders, and that we are here for them.
· Our Hotline WILL NOT close. It is available 24/7/365. Please make sure to share this number with anyone that can use it: 1-800-927-4673. Victims can also contact our hotline through our Website and from our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Accounts.
· We can provide Emergency Shelter for victims and their children, and pets on a case-by- case basis (Call the Hotline)
· You can still get a protective order, and we can help you remotely.
· MSCFV Case Managers are still available to help clients through the phone and email – reach out to your case manager just to check in. If you don’t know their number, call 410- 690-3222 during business hours.
· Our legal team is still working on our clients’ cases even while the courts are closed. If
you have new legal challenges, reach out to your case manager.
· Other services are available on a case by case basis through case managers, so call them.
If you are experiencing domestic violence and want help, we are here. You are not alone. Please call our hotline at 1-800-927-4673.
For more information on getting help, including protective orders, during this time of quarantine, visit www.mscfv.org
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