As the horror of Russia’s war in Ukraine continues, I scanned the news about efforts to combat climate change. Just a few months ago, we were often told that the world faced an “existential threat” that could only be resolved by changing how we live. Vladimir Putin changed all that. When I awoke on Sunday morning, I was more concerned about nuclear war than fossil fuels.
It is likely that the evil Putin unleashed in Europe will be with us for some time. It could outlive Putin himself and continue long after the bombing stops. It is certain that things will get worse if the war escalates, as some see as inevitable. As they say, what does a cornered rat do?
A nuclear war, even if regionally contained, will disrupt the world’s priorities. Efforts to address climate change, reduce infant mortality, clean the oceans, eliminate racism, create wealth equity, and promote democracy, are likely to take a back seat to a new cold war. Monies that would have gone to priorities needed to help humans thrive and prosper instead will be redirected to pay for a cold war.
One of the most disturbing elements of Putin’s war was the attack on the Zaporizhzhia power plant 20 miles outside Kyiv. The world has 440 nuclear power plants that produce about 10 percent of the world’s energy. The cost of running those facilities will increase if they must be defended against reckless attacks from Putin and other terrorists. Fewer new nuclear power plants will be built, increasing reliance on fossil fuels.
Another aspect of the Ukraine War is that Russia’s oil is central to efforts to sanction Russia. Decisions on how to respond to Russia’s blatant aggression included considering what it means to energy supplies. Russia supplies 40 percent of Europe’s natural gas consumption. Germany is dependent on Russian oil. Before (thankfully) deciding to oppose Putin, Germany needed to figure out how to cope with disruption to its energy supply.
One can look at the Russian oil situation, including the issue of whether the U.S. should be buying Russian oil as a substitute for drilling more oil and gas wells here, and hope that the war might accelerate the move away from fossil fuels. That is possible, but more likely, the future will see more wars and conflicts focus on energy supplies. It may be easier to destroy windmills, dams, and transmission lines that transport energy than it is to just cut off oil.
President Biden was criticized for allowing imports of Russian energy instead of expanding fracking, building the Keystone pipeline, and otherwise increasing domestic production. Yesterday, he announced a ban on imports of Russian oil. He also has been criticized for attempting to block completion of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, an action that could lead to scarce U.S. energy supplies going to Europe. Biden is in a dilemma, caught between commitments to reduce the production of fossil fuels in the U.S. and contributing to rising energy prices.
And then there is cyberwarfare. In the past two weeks, I have had at least five people advise me to change my passwords. Others advise me to keep a cache of money in case the Russians disrupt the U.S. or global financial system. Am I following this advice? I will not say.
When the world is focused on refugees, the risk of nuclear, chemical and bio-warfare, it spends less time designing and building “green buildings.” Less research and development spending goes to reducing energy usage and reversing the damage already done to the climate. And most tragically, more people will conclude “the world is a mess,” and quit hoping that humankind can rise above its propensity to violence, greed, waste, racism, and hate to make the world a happier and sustainable place to live.
So, if you agree, we have another huge reason to be angry with Putin’s war. He has made the important decisions that we were in the process of making more difficult. He has disrupted our priorities just as they were starting to come into focus. That is tragic.
I am not ready to give up hope that a priority on addressing human needs other than recovering from the devastation of war can return. To get there, the world must find a way to end the Ukraine war and strengthen its resolve to prevent similar war crimes. That will not be easy.
The climate time-bomb is continuing to tick. Reversing climate change gets more difficult each year that action is deferred, or partially deferred. We must reassess our priorities, and fast.
J.E. Dean is a retired attorney and public affairs consultant writing on politics, government, birds, and other subjects.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Yes, and let us not forget that Ukraine produces 30% of the world’s corn and wheat. Just like Hitler needed that region
to feed Germany, and thus invaded Russia, Putin will control food supplies and could cause food prices to spike.
John Dean says
Good point. Thank you. I should have included.
L Baker says
Deidre, the only thing making food prices rise here is Biden’s incompetence in how to deal with the fuel crisis. There is no reason that we are heading towards $5 a gallon when we have plenty in the U.S. that could supply us for many, many years. It would also put all of the pipeline workers back to work. I’m sure they would be grateful to have their jobs back.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Absolutely false. Biden has issued more drilling permits than the previous fiasco in the Oval. Complain
to the oil companies if you’re so upset.
And the prices will rise temporarily. The war on Ukraine will affect everyone. What can we do?
Sacrifice a tiny bit. Double gas prices? Use less gas. Drive, fly less.
You are blaming the wrong man. Blame Putin, but you probably will not because right-wing extremism
and their enablers are a threat to the world, not just here.
L Baker says
I’m sure Biden is not popular with the followers of the New Green Deal then if he increased the permits. Oh my, what side should he play today?? As far as Putin, Biden has no idea how to work with him, after bragging in pre-election he knew how to handle him.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Very off base. The demand for oil began to decline 2 years ago beginning with the pandemic, causing demand for oil to drop , prices going down . The result? producers around the world and here decreased output.
As the restrictions during the pandemic eased, economies recovered and the demand outpaced supply.
add a war on top of this and voila. I might add that anyone not in support of a green new deal is
a climate denier (a fool) or is owned by the fossil fuel industry. I hope Biden continue pressure to reduce
emissions and fossil fuel reliance. In the meantime, we have a perfect storm caused by the pandemic,
and a war on democracy in Ukraine, and here I might add. Inflation is caused by this as well.
Finally, Republicans blaming Biden for the gas price increases is on par with Russia’s misinformation
campaign about the invasion of Ukraine not being an invasion at all. Curious the parallels between the
propaganda of Putin and the GOP.
Alex Sydnes says
Victoria Nuland, during the Obama administration, engaged in illegal interference in a foreign government. Neo-Nazi Ukrainian forces have killed 14,000 Russians living in Donbas since the US-led Maiden coup in 2014 that overthrew a democratically elected president.
Listen to the leaked Nuland-Ambassador Pyatt conversation on American interference. Why is the US attempting to surround Russia and interfere with a sovereign state?
“On Tuesday, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland told the Senate that the US is working with Ukraine to protect biological research labs as Russia continues its attacks on the Eastern European nation.”
What exactly is the US doing with mass-casualty bioweapon labs in Ukraine?
L Baker says
Because they would not be able to do what they are doing in those labs “legally” in the U.S. What better place to hide them! Look what U.S. leaders have traveled there the past 10-15 years also. I’m so glad to see another questioning what is really going on.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Hmmm, is this planet earth or somewhere in the Alex Jones galaxy? Just wondering or perhaps someone is
smoking some strong stuff. Wow.
John Dean says
I will not comment on your comment. I am totally unfamiliar with the information/theories you are offering. I encourage all Spy readers, and everyone else, to seek out credible sources of information on the Ukraine war.
Deirdre LaMotte says
I did more research. CNN has reported that QAnon has been pushing this for weeks. They are casting this whole war as a joint effort between BFFS Trump and Putin to “smash bioweapons labs and pedophile rings,many operating at Biden’s Black Sea Villa”.
There are people that believe this crap.
The claim is totally bogus and a disinformation campaign by Putin just like his 2016 involvement
in propaganda so that his idiot lap dog Trump gets elected.
So, perhaps we propose an intelligence test for one to vote?
Stephen Schaare says
Mr. Dean, Nothing like a dose of reality by a violent, murderous dictator to put aside the childish fantasies of world peace, income equality, racial harmony and a green wonderland replete with rainbows and pixie dust. Steve
Deirdre LaMotte says
Oh yes, let us make fun of civilized ideas
like racial Justice and income inequality.