Could these two C&P Telephone operators c 1960s be sisters? Maybe you can identify the women? The Talbot Historical Society Laird Wise Collection database information identifies this picture as a C&P Telephone Advertisement photo. C&P Telephone was founded in 1883 and by 1984, the C&P Telephone Companies became part of Bell Atlantic.
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Larry Hitchens says
They are indeed sisters, the lady standing is Grace Mcquay, the lady seated is Sarah Foley, their Father was Frank Howard, he owned and operated a Sand and Gravel business in Greensboro Md.
Now are you ready for this???
Mr Howard had five daughters
the other three were Ruth Steekens,
Louise Williamson, and Dorothy Holland.
Larry Hitchens says
I posted regarding this photo after a little research I should add that Frank Howard (their Father) actuall had six daughters I missed his daughter Esther who died when she was only eleven years old and he also had two sons, Jerome and L.I. Howard, Jr,