This was the St. Aubins Barn at Easton, Maryland before it was renovated into a home in 1975. The barn and main house of St. Aubins were built c. 1805 by Nicholas Hammond. This barn now located on 510 Diamond Street was renovated into a home by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Vernon-Williams who then lived there for 25 years. The present owner Kevan Full and his wife Chris bought the home seven years ago and found pictures of the barn’s renovation in 1975 that the Vernon-Williams left in the house. A special thanks to Kevan Full for sharing the many St. Aubins Barn pictures with the Talbot Historical Society this year!
Contact: Cathy Hill [email protected] to share your old photos and purchase our collection photos. Comment, Like our page and join the Talbot Historical Society!
Joan Young says
There were two other owners following the Vernon-Williams and before the Fulls who each did further renovations and who carefully preserved all the written, photographic, and physical memorabilia that remained with the property so that they would be there for successive owners.