What used to be known as Oakland Mills became Tunis Mills, Maryland in 1879 when the town’s Post Office opened. The Mill, owned by W. W. Tunis started running circa 1865 and became the largest Mill on the Eastern Shore of Maryland! By 1900, 276 people lived in Tunis Mills and there was a daily stage to Easton, Maryland! Facts: “ From Pot Pie to Hell & Damnation” by Laurence G. Claggett 2004. This Talbot Historical Society photo of the old Tunis Mill Bridge was taken before 1925.
Contact: Cathy Hill [email protected] to share your old photos and purchase our collections photos. Comment, Like our page and join the Talbot Historical Society!
Gregory North says
I am curious if anyone knows the maker of the boat in the right foreground of the Tunis Mill Bridge photograph? Additionally, are there any boat works that still make that style boat?