The Talbot Paramedic Foundation has added new members to the Board of Directors. These new members bring a variety of backgrounds and experiences which will strengthen and invigorate community projects such as the public access automatic defibrillator SaveStation program. Project SaveStation is providing access to automatic defibrillators in parks and other locations throughout Talbot County and is a partnership with Team Trace, another local non-profit dedicated to reducing pediatric deaths from congenital heart disease. Currently, Talbot County Department of Emergency Services, Easton Utilities, Gunther Electric, the Town of Easton, and Talbot County government are also partners in making SaveStations a reality. In addition, as SaveStation expands throughout Talbot County other important partners will be required.
Levin F. ‘Buddy’ Harrison IV is a native of Talbot County and has worked in the hospitality industry his entire life. He and is wife, Leslie, now run Harrison’s Harbour Lights Restaurant and Buddy is the captain for the shuttle service to Poplar Island which ferries workers, and he also takes charter fishing parties. Harrison was a charter member of Talbot County Advanced Life Support and in their first group of Advanced Life Support providers. He was elected to the Talbot County Council from 1998-2002. He and Leslie have four adult children and live in Easton.
Dr. Ruth Ann Jones recently retired after 45 years at the University of Maryland Shore Regional Health. At the time of her retirement, she held the position of Senior Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer, overseeing Nursing, Rehab Services, Pharmacy, Emergency Services, Home Care, and Professional Practice. She is a graduate from the MacQueen Gibbs Willis School of Nursing, holds a BSN from Wesley College in Dover, and an Ed.D in Leadership and Innovation from Wilmington University. In 2007 became the first nurse at UM SRH to obtain a doctorate degree. She has a passion to mentor and coach the next generation of nurses at UM SRH. Jones was married to Gary Jones who was one of the original five Advanced Life Support Providers in the pilot ALS program. Gary died last year, and Ruth Ann carries on his passion for the Talbot Paramedic Foundation’s work.
Jenny Madino has long supported the Talbot Paramedic Foundation through her administrative support to President Dyott. Now she joins the Board and brings along her skills of photography and website development and design to forward the TPMF’s mission. She worked for the UMMS Sleep Disorders Center and worked closely with Dyott and former Board member Gary Jones up until his death. In addition to being a talented photographer, Jenny regularly performs in local musical theatre. Madino lives in Easton with her husband and two
A resident of Talbot County for over 45 years, Fred Petze is a graduate of the University of Delaware with a BA and a MEd in Counseling. Following his retirement from a career in education as a Guidance Counselor, he worked in the Family Support Center for the US Air Force at Andrews AFB and then retired as the Director of the Center for the 512th Airlift Wing at Dover AFB. Fred also retired from the US Army after 26 years of active and reserve service as a Major and Master Army Aviator. His Active Duty included a year in Viet Nam as a helicopter pilot. His decorations include a Distinguished Flying Cross for Valor, the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, and 16 Air Medals.
William Wilson is a career paramedic having served in Talbot, Caroline, and Queen Anne’s counties for over 22 years. He holds an AA degree from Chesapeake College. Wilson served as an EMS supervisor for 13 years with Talbot County Department of Emergency Services. He is an instructor at the Training Center for UMMS Shore Medical Center. Bill lives in Easton.
Other TPMF Board members include President Wayne Dyott, Vice President Will Howard, Secretary-Treasurer Teri Overington, and Andrew Anderson, Curtis Booth, Kevin Knussman, Bill Nielsen, Clay Stamp, and Sheila Wainwright.
“Our Board members bring a passion to the many projects of the Talbot Paramedic Foundation. We have members with a diverse set of knowledge and skills contributing to the effective management of our foundation and we welcome these new members!” stated President Dyott.
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