The House of Representatives is in session this week now that the August recess is over. Up first on its agenda is action on a budget reconciliation bill intended to permit the passage of the Biden “Human Infrastructure” bill. Congressman Harris is expected to continue his opposition to this and most other Biden administration legislation.
We already know that Andy “Handgun” Harris doesn’t like spending, Joe Biden, all other Democrats, and a host of other things he dismisses as “left-wing.” But what most of us don’t know is what he’s been up to during the August Congressional recess. I checked his official website and other news sources in the hopes of finding reports that he was doing what we all expect our Congressional representatives do—represent us. I came up empty.
Here’s what I found:
On August 24, one of the few days the House was in session in August, Harris cast a vote against the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.” The vote will help Harris maintain his stellar record with the right-wing “Heritage Act for America” group, which offers this description of the legislation Harris opposed:
H.R. 4, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, is yet another blatant effort by liberals to give left-wing activists new powers to undermine the integrity of our election laws. With H.R. 4, liberals will use the power of the federal government to overturn voter ID laws and prevent states from ensuring the integrity of their own elections. Essentially, the proposal hijacks the Voting Rights Act (VRA) by replacing the worthwhile goal of ending racial discrimination with the completely partisan goal of advancing liberal political candidates.
On August 27, Harris joined with fellow Republican Ralph Norman (SC) in introduce a resolution to impeach Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. Harris tells us:
The Biden Administration’s handling of Afghanistan has been an unmitigated catastrophe. This preventable tragedy rests solely on the shoulders of President Biden and his Administration, and in particular the Secretary of State. We are the most powerful nation on the planet, and we must make clear to the Taliban that we will stay to get our people out as long as that takes. Secretary Blinken’s complete and utter failure of managing this avoidable catastrophe makes him unfit for leadership, and I hope my colleagues will join me in pushing for his removal.
Harris has called for President Biden to resign as well. I suspect he would have also called for the vice president to resign but may have been reluctant to issue a press release reading, “Harris calls for Harris to resign.”
On August 19, Harris attended the Dorchester County Board of Education Meeting to express his concerns with Critical Race Theory or CRT. According to the Star-Democrat, Harris called CRT a “Marxist Idea that divides the nation.” Harris told the meeting that “instead of teaching young students to be colorblind to others’ race and treating everyone similarly, critical race theory is emphasizing and basing everything on race.” Harris’ bottom line is that CRT “teaches students to hate America because it’s systemically racist.”
Earlier in the month, Harris spoke at a fundraiser for gubernatorial candidate Dan Cox, a Republican described by Governor Hogan as a “QAnon conspiracy theorist.” Mr. Cox is a Trump loyalist, a champion of the Second Amendment, and an opponent of CRT. Harris said Cox was “a person who reminds me of myself.”
I don’t doubt Harris’ veracity on this last point. From everything known about Cox, he is out of sync with Maryland values and, in my view, human values.
Unfortunately for those of us on the Eastern Shore, Harris remains favored for reelection. The campaigns of Dave Harden and Heather Mizeur are underway. Either candidate would be a significant improvement over Andy “Handgun” Harris.
Although election day is still over a year away, the retirement of Harris, a man who broke his term limits promise, is long overdue. All should be embarrassed by a representative more loyal to Donald Trump than to his constituents, who opposes voting rights, and who spends more time fighting Critical Race Theory than climate change.
The Spy has done excellent introductory video interviews with both candidates Harden and Mizeur. You can access them by clicking on their names, above.
J.E. Dean of Oxford is a retired attorney and public affairs consultant writing on politics, government, birds, and occasionally goldendoodles.
Carol Voyles says
Why would we worry? He did reassure us on January 6 that tear gas doesn’t frighten him; and, despite hearing a gunshot, there was no indication that this was a violent protest.
John Dean says
Thanks for reading the piece. I continue to be amazed at Harris’ statements on January 6.
Stephen Schaare says
Hi Mr. Dean, Other than candidate Dan Cox(about whom I know nothing), I certainly agree with Dr. Harris.
Critical race theory is toxic and destructive. The voting rights matter is bologna. No person of color is being denied access to the polls.
Secretary Blinkin is a liar who lacks a spine.
Biden is now blaming just about everything on “climate change”, while failing to mention the two worst polluters, China and India. Nah, he will have to find a pair of” Big boy pants” and a backbone for that mention. Blame America first.
Harris breaking his pledge to term limit himself means nothing. Surely you understand every politician is a liar. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Has told plenty of “whoppers”. Two that come to mind are “all Americans that wish to leave Afghanistan have been able to do so”. His claim to have visited the “tree of life synagogue” following a shooting. He does not seem to realize these things can be checked. Is he not familiar with Google and the internet?
Shall I continue? Obama infamous whopper ” if you like your Doctor you can keep your Doctor” Nixon “I am not a crook”. William Jefferson Blythe Clinton(where do I begin, or end) “I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky ” That is enough. Please sir, be more inclusive when you mention Politicians who have been somewhat less than entirely forthcoming.
John Dean says
Let me thank you for reading the piece. I understand your support of Harris on CRT and even on Afghanistan. Are you also okay with his attempt to carry a handgun onto the Floor of the House of Representatives?
In any case, I appreciate you sharing your views.
Stephen Schaare says
Thank you Mr. Dean, Do you approve of teaching hatred to young children? I do hope not.
Let them be kids, and learn on their own once they enter the world.
Stephen Schaare says
Hi Mr. Dean, Regarding the handgun, do we know if Dr. Harris has a “carry permit”?. If so, I have no objection. I presume he does. If he did not, pretty sure Nancy Pelosi would have him out of government by now. Nancy is indeed a busy lady. On her Summer vacation, she held fundraisers at her estate(30k a person) while enjoying 24/7 armed protection, without a mask in sight.Just sayin’. Thank you.
Tom Alspach says
Yes Steve, you should continue:
How about “I am going to build a great wall and Mexico will pay for it” and “ I have a health care plan that will cover everyone, cost less and provide more benefits” and “If I am elected I will release my tax returns” and “I won the election in a landslide, by millions of votes”?
“Please sir, be more inclusive when you mention politicians who have been less than entirely forthcoming.” Even when they are your personal heroes.
Stephen Schaare says
Hi Tom, I have no heroes, though I was very fond of Ronald Wilson Reagan.
Stephen Schaare says
Hi Tom, As I mentioned to Mr. Dean, all politicians are liars. This is widely known. No exceptions. None.
John Dean says
Good morning. When I wrote the piece it crossed my mind that you wouldn’t agree with it. . . .
I appreciate your reading the column and commenting. On the subject of Dr. Harris, we are on different pages.
Stephen Schaare says
Hi Mr. Dean, Just heard Secretary of state Blinkin state that “he was dismayed that the new taliban government in Afghanistan was not more inclusive”. Excuse me? A government of murderous terrorists who believe women are nothing more than property are expected to follow diversity, inclusion and equity? A six year old would never say such a thing. Blinkin IS a child. We need knowledgeable adults leading the State Department. He must resign. Along with the Defense Secretary, who stated ” we do not have the capability to remove all Americans”. Really?What a putz(yiddish).
Katherine Herbert says
Gunning for Andy…… guess One Republican representative is just one two many for this Dem in Oxford
Gooooo Andy!
John Fischer says
Oh, goodness. Mr. J. E. “One Note” Dean with yet another variation of his anti-Andy Harris tune. Or is this a repeat. Can’t tell.
Mr. Harris is a bit far right for many of us. But his opposition to the “John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act” stems partly from a provision in the Act to mail an absentee ballot to every citizen, regardless of whether or not one has been requested. See any possibility of mischief there, Mr.Dean?
The Act also obviates the requirement for voters to identify themselves. Progressives seem to assume Americans just can’t manage that. If that is your view, why Mr. Dean, why don’t you take a walk around Easton, Cambridge and/or Salisbury and ask citizens you meet if they have any way to identify who they are. Might enlighten you.
Mr. Harris is indeed critical of Critical Race Theory, a set of views blaming inequality of races not on the abject failure of inner-city schools, not on the disintegration of nuclear families or on the relentless, cynical progressive drum beat of victim hood but rather on “systematic racism,” declaring in the process all white people are racist. You buy that, Mr.Dean?
You are helplessly racist? Your spouse? Mom and dad? Kids? Are you anxious to have your grandchildren taught you are a racist? And they too? Make sense to you to combat racism with cries of racism?
Mr. Harris has his problems. I regret he does not appear to have a primary challenger. But if he’s defeated
and Democrats retain the House, you can be assured the destructive provisions of the.”voting rights” act will become law and cynical Critical Race Theory will continue to divide our citizens and poison race relations in our country.
Eva M. Smorzaniuk, M.D. says
Without getting into petty arguments about which politician is the biggest liar, we can simply assess what Dr. Harris has done in his time in office by looking at his record. Review how many bills he has introduced, what percentage have been voted into law or even made it out of committee, how many times he has cosponsored a bipartisan bill. Compare his record to other Congressmen and you’ll see he falls behind. He occupies his time in office voting in lock step with the far right Republican agenda, and occasionally making extremist statements to the media. Ironically, some of his opinions regarding COVID and vaccination have not been in synch with available medical data.
Darrell Parson says
“Critical race theory (CRT), is an intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of color.”
In light of this explanation I don’t as a white person object to the concept. If I take even a moment to assess my place in most social and work situations it is clear to me that I live a very privileged life. I don’t label myself a racist simply because I am sometimes unaware of my privilege. But I would consider myself a racist if I refused to acknowledge the level of privilege I enjoy simply by the color of my skin.
Finally, I don’t believe CRT is being “taught” in any of our schools. It is just another bogeyman for Harris to raise up in an effort to keep his constituency riled up.