It all started with the simple desire of Derick and Dina Daly to establish an educational scholarship at the Mid-Shore Community Foundation. While still in their mid-thirties, both Dalys felt a real conviction that they must start giving back to their community and particularly help young African-American boys.
Fast-forward thirteen years later, and that relatively small philanthropic gesture has grown into one of Talbot County’s most respected nonprofit organizations, helping stewarding the lives of up to sixty-five boys from the 1st to 8th grade with a brand new outreach center just one hundred feet from Easton Elementary School.
All of this just didn’t happen by magic. Derick and Dina have reached out to almost every section of Talbot County in seeking support, volunteers and collaboration to make the future of these young men as bright as possible.
And on June 8, the Dalys are taking another historic step by announcing plans to add a gym, a kitchen, classrooms and a community event space next to the BAAM building on Jowite Street; and will be seeking support from the region to accomplish that goal.
The Spy sat down with Derick at BAAM’s new office last week to recap what the BAAM mission has been and outline the organization’s need to grow to keep their mission of building African American minds.
This video is approximately five minutes in length. For more information about BAAM please go here.
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