The Spy continues its informal series on profiling candidates running for office in 2022. Over the next eight months, we will be offering long-form interviews with those running for Maryland’s Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller, MD Congressional District 1, State Delegate and Senate, as well as several local elections in Dorchester, Kent, and Talbot Counties.
As per our educational, nonpartisan mission concerning all public affairs on the Mid-Shore, we believe these in-depth conversations offer a unique alternative to the traditional three-minute sound bite or quick quote. We will be talking to each candidate about their background, qualifications, and policy priorities as well as how they differentiate themselves from others running for the same office.
We continue with Brooke Lierman, candidate (D) for Comptroller of Maryland. She currently serves in the Maryland House of Delegates for District 46.
This video is approximately 16 minutes in length. For more information about Brooke Lierman and her campaign please go here.
Jim Franke says
I worked for Delegates in Annapolis for twelve years during the 90-day legislative sessions. Most days while working in the office I’d listen to the House floor session.
One day I was in the House Gallery to see the session.
A transportation bill came up for debate. It would assign a rating system on road projects to take some of the politics out. I was surprised that a second-year Delegate was assigned by the committee chair to defend the bill. This never happens.
Delegate Robert Flanagan, who had been Governor Ehrlich’s Secretary of Transportation, stood to oppose the bill.
To be kind, Delegate Lierman ran circles around Delegate Flanagan.
I had listened to dozens or hundreds of these bill debates. This was the one that impressed me the most. I started to follow Delegate Lierman’s legislative work and just became more impressed with her each year.
I believe that she had more bills passed in the last four years than any other Delegate. And many were major bills.
Clearly, Brooke Lierman knows how to get things done in the sausage-making of Annapolis. This is a skill few ever obtain and is needed for a new Comptroller.
And the punchline is that Robert Flanagan supports Brooke Lierman for Comptroller.