I am a democrat, federalist and capitalist. I am not a Republican or Democrat. And I am an American troubled by stagnation—a disabling state-of-affairs caused and perpetuated by a misunderstanding of America. A misunderstanding of the importance of freedom.
America has had many beginnings and as those beginnings are absorbed into our culture some level of change inevitably takes place. America has been and remains a frontier. At times welcoming, sometimes not. Our frontier status is in part geographic, but mainly turns on the success of freedom. And, for the most part, the people who want to come here are coming from the unfree world.
Unfree is not comfortable with free. China is a working example. It has worked to suffocate Hong Kong while increasingly trying to intimidate Taiwan. It does not want successful models of freedom in its self-defined sphere of influence.
In a sense, America’s first beginning was the Declaration of Independence. A restless people declared their separation from Great Britain.
New beginnings often create tension with the past. And since our Constitution gives everyone a chance to speak and vote, we need to understand the need to work through our disagreements. Disagreements are inevitable and when they turn implacable, they work against our strength.
Democracy, of course, is governance by consent. Federalism, roughly stated, honors State and Local governments by restraining what is done by the central government. Most, although not all, believe government closer to its voters is superior.
But, let me turn to capitalism which puts freedom in bold letters. This is an enduring part of our lives that we all feel and touch each day. Politics is often remote, not the personal machinery of capitalism.
Capitalism, our business foundation in the free world is not perfect, but what it does, when monopoly is denied, is assure freedom. A chance for people to work for themselves, to build family security while making things and serving others.
It also, if we are listening, has a story to tell about how we can end stagnancy in the way we govern ourselves. Politics, world-wide, invokes an animating motivation: “I want power and I don’t want to give it up.”
Conversely, the freedom to make and sell and service and maintain is invitational and gives us each a chance to say yes or no. Capitalism has shown like a flare around the world. In Africa I have seen capitalism break out in small market settings and beyond. Where markets are free in Africa and elsewhere prosperity exists.
Capitalism, if we listen, tells us of the dynamics we need in governance. Dynasties are bad. Closed systems, stifling. If a business person sees a falloff in sales, for example, he/she quickly looks for causes and adapts accordingly. All the while entrepreneurs dream of new opportunities and then pair them with energy and capital.
Let’s apply this quick action by a business person to public education. How many schools have recognized the severe challenges faced by children who arrive at school unprepared? A child might be said to be in a kindergarten or first grade class, but that is a false designation. All 5- or 6-year-olds do not arrive equally prepared. Allocating students based on chronology or geography weighs on progress. A business person would quickly realize that distinctive approaches are necessary if each child is to have an equal opportunity. Yet, politics freeze’s structure.
There are many examples of political control causing stagnation. The most telling example is found in the self-protective laws that protect the dominant political parties. Democrats might not like Republicans, or vice-versa but both like the closed system. Their politicians climb ladders and remove the lower rungs as they make their way up. The prospect of a President Biden versus former President Trump rematch in November of 2024 tells us all we need to know.
We desperately need a new beginning in politics. We need to escape the deadly hold of Whataboutism— “My candidate might not be great but he/she is better than yours.” Our vote should not be measured against standards of mediocrity. Our time is too challenged for mediocrity to be the standard.
As we celebrate July 4th, 2023, we should resolve to be more confident about America, July 4th, 2024. Stagnancy in a dynamic time is perilous. We should get to work.
Al Sikes is the former Chair of the Federal Communications Commission under George H.W. Bush. Al writes on themes from his book, Culture Leads Leaders Follow published by Koehler Books.
Mickey Terrone says
Mr. Sykes, I don’t know you but I’ve been reading your material for some time now. At this point, I believe I need to challenge your premise regarding “Whataboutism— “My candidate might not be great but he/she is better than yours.” “Our vote should not be measured against standards of mediocrity. Our time is too challenged for mediocrity to be the standard”.
I simply cannot grasp how anyone can compare Donald Trump with Joe Biden as politicians or leaders. The contrasts are as massive as they are obvious. Biden is an old style politician working to find a middle ground with socioeconomic issues and prioritizing the middle and lower middle classes with programs and policies that focus on the majority of Americans. He is not an extremist nor is he dogmatic. He promotes racial and ethnic equality. His party leadership is generally a reflection of Biden’s ideas and ideals.
Trump and most of his congressional Republicans and many state governors appear to be united in their neurotic vitriol. Trump is claiming to be the victim in numerous fairly obvious acts of high crimes. His congressional supporters have dropped any pretense of governing to try to create chaos in our national government. Many of them are complicit in the January 6th insurrection, including our own Andy Harris. The SCOTUS is behaving like King George III would toward the colonists undercutting the rights and liberties of women and minorities with the full support of virtually every Republican politician.
Your article fails to acknowledge the gruesome differences between the two parties. Reality prevents “a new beginning” in politics. We cannot snap our fingers and act like we can make 180-degree changes overnight. I think you know better than that. The Republican reality is that the SCOTUS majority appointed by Republicans is restricting women and minorities in college admissions, reproductive rights and gay rights, among other things after rolling back the Voting Rights Act. Trump has the full throated, nearly militant support of Republicans for his alleged criminal offenses with the January 6th insurrection, overturning the 2020 election results, tampering with several state-level ecections, hiding (and perhaps selling) our nation’s major strategic secrets, his sellout to the top 1% of income earners with massive tax deducations, his degenerate personal life, the pardoning of his convicted accomplices at the end of his term as president, his despicable support of Putin, his weakening of US power and influence with NATO, his self-serving deals with the Saudi Royal Family, his politicization of the FBI, Justice Department and the US Intelligence community and so many other acts damaging and dividing our country.
Thanks for pointing out that “Capitalism, if we listen, tells us of the dynamics we need in governance. Dynasties are bad. Closed systems, stifling”. Marlevous. Now that the Republican dominated SCOTUS has made it legal for any self-proclaimed “Christian” to refuse to do business with any gay minority they choose, America can go back to Jim Crow, but this time add Jews, Muslims and immigrants to exclude and “suffocate” minorities out of the American mainstream based upon overt evangelical christian bigotry. This reads a bit like your reference to China, doesn’t it? Don’t the references I make equate to the “political control causing stagnation” you suggested?
I believe you recognize the difference between the Bush Republican Party you were involved in and this horrendously degenerate monstrosity into which Trump has dragged the GOP. The 2024 election choices are not about “relative standards of mediocrity”. They are about the very survival of the American way of life and equalty for all Americans; that is, the equality that Americans have died for since the civil war through the end of fascism and Aryan white supremacist nazism. One demagogue, followed by numerous wannabees, and supported by several millions of fearfully deluded people are undermining our American values, character and integrity. Meanwhile, Joe Biden and his party are struggling to work past the roadblocks and demagoguery to find the way forward for the vast majority of our people, our economy and our democratic republic.
No sir, this is not your standard partisan election. Giving Trump the status of “mediocre” is grossly over complimentary. This is about 4 more years of Trump or one of his protoges exacerbating the divisions, bigotry and autocratic direction of the Republican Party. Trump is a dangerous demagogue, and likely a criminal running for president to escape well-deserved prosecution. Joe Biden is an 80-year old politicial with integrity, political skills and a desire to build the middle and lower middle classes back while giving our poorest classes the hand up they desperately need. I would hope you could acknowledge those realities as the choices Americans must make in 2024.
Brice Gamber says
A timely and cogent piece that encourages all of us to find the strength to work together for the betterment of the country
It’s a shame that Mr Terrone continues to drag the dialogue into partisan politics. It seems he has missed the numerous polls saying that the majority of Americans want neither Biden or Trump
William Keppen says
I forsee a lot of ifs associated with the next election cycle but only one certainty: If it comes down to the choice between Trump and Biden for the presidency, it will likely be a very close election. If voters do not recognize what is at stake, a minority of elegible voters will control the outcome. If a mimority of elegible voters control the outcome, the general public will certainly question the legitimocy of the election. If Trump is the Republican nominee and he looses the election, he and his minions, in Congress and elsewhere, will be screeming fraud and stollen election, at the top of their lungs. If that is what happens, the country will be rife with chaos and likely violence, but we will get through it, our democracy will survive. Now comes the certainty. If Trump were to be elected, or somehow steal the elction, our democracy will most certainly be stolen with it.
Al Sikes says
Mickey, you are more optimistic than I am. I left the Republican Party because of Trump; my action matters more than my words. The President on the other hand is not up to four years beginning at 82. He should step aside and invite others to compete for the nomination. This act of political grace will be applauded by most of today’s voters and historians. Al
Mickey Terrone says
Al, I do try to remain an optimistic person despite the political chaos created by Trump’s election over the “unpopular” Hillary Clinton. I’m optimistic, not that very many Republicans will join you in leaving the party, but that perhaps some Act of God will intervene and remove Trump from the immediate political scene. Yet some form of Trumpism will likely prevail in Republican ranks. In fact, its becoming more apparent daily that the large majority of Republican bypassed rank and file are oblivious to facts and issues and simply listen to Trump’s daily rant of the day. Half the Republicans are political zombies and will lurch to the polls to vote for Trump, even if he shot Ron DeSantis on 5th Avenue.
Thus, no “act of political grace” by Joe Biden will make one iota of difference to Republicans. Whomever runs as a Democrat is the reincarnated Satan. I would have thought you’d agree that if Biden felt or feels physically unfit to run his campaign or serve another term, that he’d plan his exit and step away. Otherwise, he’s the incumbent. He should run.
The 2024 election will be like 2020 with the “Revenge Tour” twist added to energize deluded poor whites. His evangelicals would probably believe Trump if he showed them the five wounds on his hands, feet and side where the nails and sword went in. Trump’s words matter much more than his actions to these lost souls who don’t understand American freedom, as you suggested previously. I’d suggest their understanding of freedom equates to the Confederates’ understanding of freedomm; that is, white supremacy makes them free. Prior to 1865, it was the enslavement of blacks that made poor whites feel free. Today, white control of society over minorities is that essential element Trumpism seeks, with white women considered another minority.
This is what is at stake in 2024. Look at what they have perpetrated already through the SCOTUS. Another Trump (or even DeSantis) victory might make democracy an irretrievable thing of the past.
Personally, I’d like to see Gavin Newsome run for president. I think he will run in 2028 but if he is seen as the best possible #2 person for ’24, so be it. I’m fine with Kamala Harris, though. Frankly, this is as much about saving America from Trumpism as anything else. And that goes for the malignant Trumpism in both Houses of Congress. Those zombies simply wait for Trump to tell what to say and do. The more Democrats show hesitation, the more the Russian and Chinese and FOX/OAN hyenas will exacerbate any indecision.
It will certainly help if inflation subsides and the markets fully stabilize in the next 8 months or so. But that won’t matter to Trump’s bypassed whites. Democrats, Independents and whatever sensible Republicans remain must act to remove Trump and Trumpism from our American political life before the malignancy consumes our way of life.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Well said. Just finished The Oppermanns. Written in 1933, banned in Germany, telling the plight of a successful Jewish family in Berlin.
“For months, the most eminent experts in the art of lying had been scattering billions of lies throughout the country by means of the most modern devices. To be foot people and conceal the truth from them was the sole purpose of the ministry of lies” . “The epitome of that poisoned, hypnotized Germany, which would require a shockingly long time to recover from the stupor it was in”.
Still compelling was the NYTimes review of the book in 1934:
“They hope for improvement as a result of a strong nationalistic government. They liked the bold exit from the
League of Nations (paralleling Trumps wanting to exit from NATO). But they expect that the Nazi mob will be cursed or superseded.” They closed their eyes to the hate for “others” who were “destroying the Arian, white fatherland.
The book was addressed to the German people, who were banned from reading it, urging them to open their eyes.
Mickey Terrone says
Dierdre, we clearly have a segment of the Republican population ready to go back to the Capitol and bring down the government on behalf of Trump. This time, they probably won’t wait until January 6th. I’d also think its highly likely that if he runs and loses again, that he’ll create another tumultuous, chaotic crisis, or maybe a putsch. There is no question he is far more desperate to avoid justice for several serious criminal charges and this will be his last go-round for the White House.
The stakes are too high to be distracted or discouraged from our firm determination to keep the White House, keep the Senate and take back the House. The ominous actions from SCOTUS, the obdurate disruptions by House Republicans and Trump’s own wild rhetoric will, I hope, bring together millions more true Americans to take back control of the workings of our national government and more state houses along the way.
Unlike average Germans of the 1930’s, average Americans need to be immovable in our determination to preserve democracy, ensure equal rights for all and reclaim our traditional American values from the dark challenges of the far right.
William Dalton says
Mickey Terrone for President! I challenge anyone to make a better response to my friend Al Sikes who is a native of the great Red state of Missouri. One of my lawyer friends who is also a friend of Al’s remarked after reading Al’s article “I never thought I would live to see the day that Al would hint that he would consider to being a Democrat”, Al was Mr Republican in Missouri and almost single handedly changed Missouri from blue to red, electing at the time a Republican Governor and a Senator. Of course the Senator later was blamed for giving away the Pamana Canal, gave us with his full support the flawed Supreme Court Justice Clarance Thomas, and thanks to this former Senator the most unqualified Senator now serving, Josh Hawley. Still Al is a political legend in Missouri.