President Trump is a man with a curious collection of friends and a long, growing list of enemies. As election day draws near, any of us not yet clear on the worth of our President would do well to review who Trump considers his friends and who is urging his defeat. As Aesop said, “A man is known by the company he keeps.” A modernized version of this wisdom might add, “and by the enemies that reject him.”
Trump’s past and current friendships include a menagerie of recent arrestees, convicted criminals, porn stars, and crackpots. Among the President’s past or present associates are Steve “Build the Wall” Bannon, Paul “Ostrich Jacket” Manafort, Roger Stone, Michael “Russiaman” Flynn, and the turncoat rat, Michael Cohen, author of the upcoming best-seller, Disloyal.
Among the President’s current friends, QAnon is of the greatest concern. President Trump has described this group as “people who love our country.“ The FBI has described it as a terrorist organization. QAnon believes that liberal elites, composed of Satanist pedophile cannibals threaten to take over America. Donald Trump, they believe, is leading an effort to eradicate them.
Other friends of Trump include the white nationalists behind the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville in August 2017. Trump said the group includes some “very fine people.” Trump has followed up on his praise of these racists by making the preservation of confederate monuments a major theme of his re-election bid.
Remember former KKK leader David Duke? He makes this list, as does the fascinating Ghislaine Maxwell as well as her friend and benefactor, the late Jeffrey Epstein. Also memorable, but more difficult to pronounce (even than “Ghislaine”) is Rod Blagojevich, the former Illinois governor who tried to sell Barack Obama’s Senate seat after Obama resigned to assume the Presidency. Trump pardoned him.
Other friends include Vladimir Putin, Recep Erdogan, and Philippine dictator, Rodrigo Duterte, nicknamed “the Punisher.” In 2019, Trump described Erdogan as a “hell of a leader.” His actions in Syria have been described as “a gift to Russia, Iran and ISIS.” What is it that this trio has in common that made them attractive to Trump?
And how bad are these despots? Putin was accused just last week of poisoning a political rival. One quote from Duterte stands out, “Hitler massacred three million Jews. Now, there are three million drug addicts. I’d be happy to slaughter them.” Trump has claimed to have “a great relationship” with Duterte.
Let’s not forget Kim Un Jong of North Korea and, of course, the disgraced lawyer, Roy Cohn, who gained national prominence assisting Senator Joseph McCarthy identify Communists in the 1950s. Despite Cohn’s efforts, the Democrats have now nominated one for President, at least according to Trump.
Is it fair to judge Trump through a list of his friends? Perhaps not, but, if you complement this list with a list of enemies, including Republicans who have condemned him or left the GOP all together, it is hard to deny that you are dealing with a troubled man.
Do the names Bush, Romney, Bolton, McCain (Cindy), and Powell ring a bell? All have said they are not voting for Trump. And 27 former Republican Members of Congress have publicly announced they are voting for Biden. It is unfair to describe some on the list as former friends of Trump, but their actions send a clear message. They view Trump as an existential threat to the GOP.
Perhaps even more damning, more than 70 former national security officials from various Republican administrations endorsed Vice President Biden on the basis that Trump is “dangerously unfit to serve another term. A procession of prominent Republicans headed by former Republican governor John Kasich of Ohio also spoke at this year’s Democratic convention.
Identifying reasons to oppose Trump’s re-election is easy. Thinking of reasons to support him is a heavy lift. Trump can’t win on his response to the pandemic and his message that Democrats and their anarchist buddies are burning down America’s cities. His thinly veiled appeal to white nationalists will work among some voters, but their votes will be more than offset by others who consider Trump’s continued residence in the White House as an invitation to disaster.
Don’t forget to register to vote and to vote early.
J.E. Dean of Oxford is a retired attorney and public affairs consultant. For more than 30 years, he advised clients on federal education and social service policy.
John Fischer says
Many Americans will celebrate if Mr. Trump is defeated in November. We readers of The Spy will have an additional reason in that Mr. Dean will have to find some other topic to blather on about.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Is there anything more important than our Democracy? Watch the RNC…it displays everything President Obama
warned us about last week: family members speaking each night (authoritarian:check), Using the White House and
Ft. McHenry as political props (authoritarian:check), a Secretary of State giving a political Israel no less..
(Check), and a man who has trashed our allies and replaced them with a dictator love affaire.
Please Mr. Dean and anyone who has an ounce of integrity and who cares about our country: Speak out!
John Dean says
Sorry you consider the piece to be “blather.” All of us should be concerned about the company Trump keeps or has kept in the past. Also, what other politician of either party has been subject to the mass disavowals (national security experts and former Republican elected officials)? Both are wake up calls.
In any case, thanks for reading the piece. I will respectfully hold off thanking you for the comment given its content.
Ana Lacayo says
It’s been almost 5 years of defamation and attacks against our president, thankfully to no avail. WHO CARES what people our presidents holds as friends? Does that make a difference to you in your daily lives? I don’t care who they are. I do care how his administration works for Americans and based on facts, he’s doing a great job. He’s protecting us (built the wall), he’s increased our personal wealth (just look at the markets today), he’s provided increased opportunities for minorities and women in the job market, he’s provided criminal justice reform which was implemented by Clinton and followed by all presidents following him. He’s protected our cities from far left mobs destroying them. Should I continue to enumerate what our president had done for us all the while keeping the disgraced list of friend aforementioned?
People just hate him for his way of being and political strategies to keep the world in peace. He is at times vulgar and hard headed, but I’d rather have a strong man like him in charge of the world and not an apologist like Obama who sold American out.
Tom Alspach says
No Ana, Trump is a lot worse than “at times vulgar.”
I do not know whether you have a daughter. But let’s hypothesize that you do. Would you be concerned that if she were to encounter Trump that, as he has bragged, because he is a “star” he might “grab ‘er by the pussy”? This is not just “vulgarity.” This is a reflection of the sub-human character that he is.
But hey, the Trumpists that used to have a party – and now can’t even pull together a party platform, because they are no more than a Trump worshipping cult – can only offer imbecilic characterizations of comments such as Mr. Dean’s as “blather.”
Ana Lacayo says
What he said is unacceptable. No question about it. I’m not a Trump sheep, I actually think in my own and make my own decisions. What a surprise! Nonetheless, the man has, is and continues to make us americans and our country as successful as we are now. The most successful country in the history of the world. So, I ponder this wonderful morning God has allowed us to be alive, if the man’s character or lack thereof is why I voted and will vote for him again?
My answer is not. See, I lived under a communist dictatorship in my youth. Where a real dictator actually kills and ruins his opposition. But not only his opposition, but the country as a whole. Today, that country is a third world country (a crap hole) all because someone sold the socialist idea to people who were not happy with what they had, were falsely promised more and they drank the coolaid. I learned from early in my life not to be a follower, but rather an independent thinker. I’m able to see be, Chiklis or sides and determine who is right for the country. I don’t dable in hate, like the left does on a daily basis. They are the real America hating domestic terrorists who are willing to destroy communities and kill their fellow man just to make a point. A hateful point at that. That I will not ever stand or vote for.
I’m going to also assume you are a liberal Democrat. Let’s say you are. I know what he said about women is bothering you enough not to vote for him and instead vote for a socialist platform. If this really bothered you, how come their platform stating a baby can be discarded like trash at 39 weeks is totally OK with you? Comments don’t kill, but this does. How do you feel about that?
Look around you. Look deep in your heart and ask yourself if that deeply rooted hate is allowing you to see the reality before you. Ask yourself, if you raised your daughters the right way, would your daughters allow a man to even remotely treat them the way you portray in your comments. See, my momma raised me right. I know my worth and I would never and have never gotten caught up in the glitz and glamor of someone like president Trump. Ever!
What matters now is our freedom, continuing to preserve it God given rights and preserving the American way.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Hahahahah! A con man’s loyal follower, Bless her heart. Ripe for all the lies about the “good old
days” and “preserving the American dream” while her cult leader strikes the match prompting civil
protest. Yes, the American Way where a 17 year old with a military weapon is given water and thanks by the same police who shot a black man in the back 7 times, while holding his tee shirt. And that 17 year old
assassinates two unarmed protesters. The good old days where our national parks are given to the highest bidder…preferably a Trump contributor. The American Dream where the President’s
closest advisors, how many now?, have been indicted for acts against our nation and his Election Committee did accept lots of help by our enemy. The lies, crudity, racism don’t matter to you because he reflects his supporters character. You are ripe for QAnon, birthism,and all conspiracy theories. Meanwhile, he and his rich friends get huge tax cuts and laugh at you all behind your back.
You deserve this man but our nation does not.
John Dean says
Tom, thanks for your comment. I appreciate it.
I confess to difficulty in understanding the President’s supporters given not only the company he keeps, but his record.
Ana Lacayo says
John, would you care to expand on the president’s record?