In two days, on Jan. 6, we will mourn the anniversary of an assault on our nation’s capital by a well-organized group of domestic terrorists incited by a pernicious president who for hours watched this heinous scene from the Oval Office, ignoring pleas to calm the forces of evil that he had ignited.
Trump considered the defeat of his re-election effort on Nov. 3, 2020, illegitimate and rigged. He could not acknowledge his ineptitude as president. He encouraged his ardent supporters to attack our citadel of democracy. He thought it possible to overturn the election by threatening members of Congress.
He cared not at all about the court-backed democratic process.
Trump aside, our future as a vibrant democracy is in danger. My military background is coloring my opinion.
Particularly bothersome on Jan. 6 was the presence of military veterans and active, Guard and Reserve soldiers who considered extremism more important than the protection of our republic from renegades such as themselves. The beginning of 2021 began with despair and depression.
Three retired US generals predict that this extremism, if unchecked, would lead to a civil war should Trump or one of his disciples run again for president and lose. This possibility is frightening to behold.
According to the three retired general officers, more than one in ten of the 727 people charged in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol had a service record. This is an alarming fact. Granted that our military forces comprise men and women of all political and philosophical persuasions, they all swear, however, to uphold the U.S. Constitution and cherish our democracy—regardless of who is elected president.
“The potential for a total breakdown of the chain of command along partisan lines—from the top of the chain to squad leader—is significant should another insurrection occur. The idea of rogue units organizing among themselves to support the ‘rightful’ commander in chief cannot be dismissed,” the three generals wrote in a Washington Post op-ed on Dec. 17, 2021.
While some may consider this viewpoint apoplectic, I do not, sadly. It would be foolhardy to overlook the Trumpian acolytes who feel threatened by minority groups ascending the ladder of success and power. The Democratic Party, with its wide tent of disparate constituents, is a target of discontent and anger.
Anyone watching the Jan. 6 assault on TV saw very few Black participants. Whiteness was the common denominator. In full, unvarnished view were the fissures in our fragile country. Trust in our government is at its nadir.
Like the three general officers, I too am troubled by a potential viral strain of extremism permeating our military ranks. Our civilian and military leadership must pay attention to any ripples of extremist thought and actions without trampling on the 1st Amendment guaranteeing free speech.
As I watched the domestic terrorists climb walls and overcome obstacles, I harbored a sickening feeling that the renegades seemed well-trained, wll-motivated and well-disciplined. They used their skillset to commit criminal behavior.
I mourn Jan. 6, 2021, as a day when a building that symbolizes our messy democratic process became a target for violent frustration. I mourn the depth to which men and women, believing themselves to be patriots, were anything but. I mourn the alienation felt by both ends of the political spectrum.
I hope that 2022 brings reconciliation among our socioeconomic tribes. I hope we can arrive at a point where we understand and value each other. I prefer optimism over pessimism. I understand that stark reality mitigates optimism.
Columnist Howard Freedlander retired in 2011 as Deputy State Treasurer of the State of Maryland. Previously, he was the executive officer of the Maryland National Guard. He also served as community editor for Chesapeake Publishing, lastly at the Queen Anne’s Record-Observer. In retirement, Howard serves on the boards of several non-profits on the Eastern Shore, Annapolis and Philadelphia.
Robert Siegfried says
Excellent editorial ! Sadly the civil war is not about to happen. It already is full blown and American democracy is on its heels , or worse teetering on the brink. But the civil war at this moment is being waged at the most basic levels of the U.S. political system- at school boards, at city councils, at state legislatures . There is no longer a two party system- there is the Democratic Party and the cult of extremism known as the Republican Party . What is also disheartening and outrageous is a recent Washington Post poll that shows over 30% of Republicans surveyed believe some level of violence is acceptable to assure “ election outcomes” consistent with their beliefs!
Howard Freedlander says
Thank you, Robert. Our nation is in trouble. Republican leaders are unwilling to question Trump’s lies and contemptible behavior. Party first, our country a distant second. Sadly distressing.
Dick Deerin says
Thank you. We’ll said.
Howard Freedlander says
Thank you, Dick. Scary times. Political
cowardice is on the upswing.
Matt LaMotte says
Mr. Freedlander always articulately speaks truth-to-power; in this case, sadly so. One of the so-called “Five Good Caesars”, Marcus Aurelius, expanded the ancient Roman Empire to its limits as a global power and, yet, maintained the Pax Romana (almost 200 years of virtual world-wide peace!) by ruling with four essential virtues – wisdom, justice, courage, and integrity. Would that we could find leadership that reflected ANY of these values!
Howard Freedlander says
Thank you, Matt. I would add one other virtue: compassion. Its presence in our body politic is sporadic.
Stephen Schaare says
Hi Howard, You have gone so far left that my feedback will fall on deaf ears.
You honestly believe that the current Dems, from Biden to Ilhan Omar are so much better than when Trump was President?
Thanks, Steve
Howard Freedlander says
“Left” or just employing common sense, Stephen? I can’t think of a worse president than Trump.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Yes, yes, yes. This is split “nation” and it is going to be worse, I’m afraid. As one of my favorite writers said, and it
reflects the GOP today: their solidarity is only reinforced by outside disapproval. They have resisted with mockery, then rage,
the collapse of old identity categories. They have resisted the premise that white skin should not be given special consideration. They have resisted new technologies and scientific evidence of global ecological collapse. The force of this resistance has been the election of DJTrump.
We are in trouble and a huge swath of sordid people welcome it.
Stephen Schaare says
Hi Deirdre, Very, very good to see you back in the discussion. I have no idea what you just said.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Of course. I would not expect you to understand it.
Eric L. Werner says
Wondering when they will change the name of this one sided publication to the Democrat Talbot Spy. Just a thought.
Howard Freedlander says
Thank you, Eric, the Talbot Spy has columnists of different political persuasions. Jan. 6, 2031 stands out as a despicable and inexcusable act of violence against our democracy, imperfect as it may be.
Paul Rybon says
Despite his credentials I am somewhat shocked at his condemnatory attitude towards the haphazard and clueless mob at the Capitol. None of them were armed, and they were incarcerated without charges. Most of them apparently didn’t even know each other and none of them were on active duty, those having served already, and simply protesting. Not even nearly the violence, destruction, and bodily harm as in the almost daily mobsters that are destroying our central cities. He writes of Hope’s for reconciliation among disparate political groups while lamenting the provisions of the second amendment. That ain’t going to work.
Howard Freedlander says
Thank you, Paul. Not armed? Not armed with shields, fire extinguishers and police batons confiscated from the outmanned police? So, the three general officers are needlessly concerned about extremism in the ranks? It seems we all should be concerned.
Deirdre LaMotte says
This is about a defeated President encouraging his mob of Billy Bobs to stop the securing of the most secure election in our history. That is what the destruction of American democracy is. All these poor slobs waging violence for a mentally sick overweight guy who would never acknowledge them otherwise…that is beside the point.
Seriously people, is there some kind of cash prize for the Republican voter who sounds the most mind boggling simple? Because this has gotten ridiculous. It is terrifying that so many people are astonishingly dense.
Howard Freedlander says
Thank you, Deirdre. The disregard by many on the right to the assault on democracy on 1/6/21 and the cowardly worship of the 45th president are astounding. Should the insurrectionists be deemed heroic and patriotic, not domestic terrorists intent on changing the presidential election result by intimidating Congress? The answer is simple.
Henry Herr says
The not armed thing drives me crazy. There were guns and pipe bombs. The insurrectionists have pleaded guilty to weapons charges. I just don’t know how you can argue against easily proven facts:
Stephen Schaare says
Henry, Your source has no credibility. Only oen person was killed that day. The unarmed, female veteran. No officer was killed. There were two drug OD’S AND TWO HEART ATTACKS.
There were no pipe bombs. Ingredients that could be used to make a bomb in the car. Good grief.
Henry Herr says
How about the justice department? Is that credible?
How about the FBI with video evidence of the bombs:
If you can’t even admit people have plead guilty to weapons charges on that day, how can you attempt to debate anything else?
Honest debate starts with facts. If you want to debate the extent of damage, the reasons people were there I understand. But, to say people were not armed and there were no bombs literally has no basis in fact.
It’s sad that people can’t come to the table with reality. I appreciate the article Mr. Freelander. I hope eventually honest debate can happen between everyone. It hurts all sides when honest debate cannot happen because certain sides can’t even come to the table with factual indisputable evidence.
Deirdre LaMotte says
I like your argument Henry, but the reality is there are those who could care less about truth; they only care about their twisted version, which is perverted and untrue. Seriously, one can bang one’s head at the theatrics but why bother? These people need to be in their own reality, far from what is true and what is right. I know, pathetic, but let’s let them be, poor dears.
My issue is, they are allowed to vote. God help us all and our nation is doomed.
Howard Freedlander says
How do you explain Brian Sitrick, who died on 1/7/21 due to two strokes suffered as a result of the insurrection? Just collateral damage from an assault on the capital? What would you say to the widow, Stephen? These things just happen?
Howard Freedlander says
Thank you, Henry. I too am puzzled by the reluctance on the right to accept reality.
Stephen Schaare says
Howard, You believe five people, including an officer were killed??
Howard Freedlander says
Do you believe the death of five people related to a lawless act of violence is okay? Do you believe it was just coincidental that five people died during (one) and four afterwards? Do you believe the public response to the insurrection was simply an overwrought reaction by concerned citizens? Just curious, Stephen.
Stephen Schaare says
Howard, Three independent autopsies were conducted on Officer Sicnick. All three stated the cause of death to be “natural causes”.
There was not a mark or blemish on his body. He was never bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher.
You are not allowed to attribute his death to the protest. Sorry-Steve
Jess Haberman says
If a credible President told me that the election had been stolen I’d be upset too. Maybe I would take to the streets. If the President told me the election had been stolen by unscrupulous, unpatriotic, treasonous opponents and presented some evidence to support those claims then I might even feel that violence was justified to overturn such a travesty. Of course there were many opportunities to present such evidence – and it is apparent that none exists. That President’s supporters seen unware of that however. That is why I fervently hope and pray that the Justice Department has enough evidence to charge that President with crimes. I’m not a lawyer, but it should be criminal for a person of such import to ceaselessly lie to his supporters so that they will end up attacking the Capitol in his name. Depose that President, let him to tell the truth under penalty of perjury and let him bring any evidence he can muster that the election was stolen into an open court. I think that is the only thing that will change the minds of his supporters.