When I read last Friday about President Trump’s confirmed comments about veterans buried in military cemeteries as “losers” and “suckers,” I so wanted to believe that I had had a bad dream. After all, who would make such demeaning remarks about members of the Armed Services killed in combat or training accidents?
I decided I wouldn’t write a column condemning our nation’s top-elected political leader, who in the past also characterized the late Sen. John McCain, a tortured prisoner of war during the Vietnam Conflict, as a “loser.”
Trump has no shame or conscience. His comments consign him a to category occupied only by himself; any semblance of dignity and class has eluded him in a painfully public way.
I prefer to use this weekly space to extol the men and women who have served and continue to do so in horribly dangerous parts of the world. They seek no transactional reward. They expect fairness and clarity up and down the chain of command. If medals come their way, so be it.
When a member of the military services takes an enlistment oath, he/she understands that the possibility of death is an implied consequence. If death or maiming hopefully doesn’t result, deprivation often does. Time away from family is difficult.
Why does a person serve when not compelled by a draft? The answer is complicated.
Many don the uniform in allegiance to their parents or grandparents or best friends. Some are looking to leave home and lives promising restricted opportunity. Some ache to serve their nation, as was the case after our homeland was attacked on 9/11/2001. Some believe that military service is a requirement of good citizenship.
In my scorebook, anyone who serves our country (or the Peace Corps or other forms of national service) is a winner. The choice demands discipline and dedication.
In the history of our country, many have chosen to serve a cause above themselves. Selflessness outweighs selfishness. It just seems right and honorable.
President Trump only understands fealty to the dollar and the deal. He seems oblivious to non-transactional choices. Comments in a recent Atlantic article portray a person uncomfortable in a cemetery marked by reverence to mostly young men and women who died in service to the United States.
Through the years, as an officer in the Maryland National Guard, I met many World War II veterans. Many of them spent their youth on Omaha Beach on D-Day, June 6, 1944 and beyond on Europe’s fighting fields as part of the 29th Infantry Division (Blue and Gray).
As I’ve written previously, these were ordinary men who performed extraordinary deeds. Many lost close friends in vicious combat on the Normandy beaches and places such as St. Lo and Bastogne.
They would cringe at hearing that their buddies buried at the Normandy American Cemetery in Coleville-sur-Mer in France were called “losers” and “suckers” by the current UI.S. president. While Trump may deny these words, others caught in shocked disbelief heard them.
A visit to a military cemetery elicits sympathy and appreciation. I look particularly at the deceased’s age and wonder how they died: What were their life stories? How were their families affected? What were their dreams about life after military service?
World War II veterans were especially stoic. They talked little about their combat experiences. Maybe they shared their stories in their later years. They wanted to move on with their civilian lives. Unfortunately, they did not seek solace or professional help when they returned, still bedeviled by flashback and fear.
Our military cemeteries, such as Arlington National Cemetery, reflect American values at their most basic level. Whether drafted or volunteer enlistees, the men and women who reside in calm and peace bespeak a willingness to go in harm’s way and leave the comfort of home.
A winner doesn’t criticize those who died in combat or a training accident.
A winner honors and reveres those who sought to serve bravely and selflessly.
A loser condemns what he doesn’t know.
Columnist Howard Freedlander retired in 2011 as Deputy State Treasurer of the State of Maryland. Previously, he was the executive officer of the Maryland National Guard. He also served as community editor for Chesapeake Publishing, lastly at the Queen Anne’s Record-Observer. In retirement, Howard serves on the boards of several non-profits on the Eastern Shore, Annapolis and Philadelphia.
Jacques Baker says
Hello Howard,
I enjoyed your article, and thank you for your service. It couldn’t help but bring back a few rusty memories of my 17 years (4 active and 13 active-reserve) flying with the Navy.
Keep up your good work!
Jack Baker
Mike Huffstetler says
Mr. Freedlander:
Anyone who has any knowledge about who Donald Trump is and his feelings regarding the military and veterans knows that there is absolutely zero truth to the totally fabricated Atlantic article from purported anonymous sources. President Trump would never make such comments regarding American Veterans. This is yet another “Hail Mary” by the democratically controlled Main Stream Media (“MSM”). Any legitimate news organization would disclose the so-called anonymous sources.
President Trump has significantly rebuild the depleted military left by the Obama Administration, and has done more to improve the care of Veterans by the Veterans Administration than any other President. As usual we can believe very little that is regurgitated by the MSM, and you fell for their nonsense hook, line and sinker!
Howard Freedlander says
What I fell for are anonymous comments made by retired generals, who had observed unforgivable behavior and comments by a president who has no understanding of selfless service. What I fell for was his characterization of John McCain, who endured five years of torture as a prisoner of war, as a “ loser” because he was captured.
The president may say the right words about the US. Armed Forces. He might increase the defense department budget. But does he have any insight into the conditions in which the American soldier operates and the fatal results that sometimes accompany bravery?
The “Atlantic” article is credible. The anonymous comments confirm the president’s absence of a conscience, not to speak of empathy for the family of a service-person marked in a military cemetery by a cross or Star of David,
RC Shafer says
Good Lordy, Howard — are you shilling for the Biden campaign? These disgraceful and derogatory comments you ascribe to Trump — are “unconfirmed” by way of a hack Atlantic magazine journalist ….who has sourced his entire “reportage” on unattributed ANONYMOUS informants who prefer to “talk the talk” without having the guts or the integrity to “walk the walk.” The author whose words you have chosen to gobble without chewing is a notorious Leftist, who just a few years back, disgraced himself by humping the “fake news” WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION ruse that led to our misguided invasion of Iraq after 9-11. Within less than a week after this defamatory “false flag” red herring expose was trial ballooned, it has been totally debunked by over 20 eyewitnesses who actually accompanied the President during this now controversial Normandy Cemetery event — debunked by people of character not hiding behind anonymity, but willing to be quoted publicly. Even former Ambassador John Bolton, a man who hates, detests, abominates and abhors his former boss. Your sentimental tribute to our veterans was very moving, Howard, but your hate Trump editorial bent has you looking as uniformed as grown man walking around with the fly on his trousers unzipped.
Howard Freedlander says
RC, even Fox News, Trump’s favorite media tool, confirmed his remarks. His allies are now in lockstep to kill the messenger to protect the veterans ‘ vote and a president who would likely be relieved were he in uniform. I will be more careful about keeping my zipper zipped if you do the same.
Jon Powers says
Thank you once again, Mr. Freedlander. You express so eloquently yet so simply what many of us are feeling toward the person who currently (and hopefully, briefly) resides in the White House.
It may surprise some to learn that I am deeply troubled by my own criticism of the President of the United States. I grew up revering the person holding that esteemed position. Despite several with obvious flaws, none has so recklessly shown complete disrespect for the position they hold. You might have hoped he would grow into the position. Let’s hope now he grows out of it soon.
Howard Freedlander says
I never thought, Jon, that I would feel so ashamed, so devoid of even a scintilla of pride in our current White House occupant.
Stephen Schaare says
Please recall, some six weeks ago, an excerpt from this same Atlantic magazine (presented here in The Spy) claimed that a Confederate flag was seen hanging on a front porch in Easton. Of course, a street name, or specific location was never mentioned. Nonsense. All fake news. ALL enemies of the state.
Howard Freedlander says
“ALL enemies of the state.” Stephen? Really?
Stephen Schaare says
Yes, Howard, really. Fox news never confirmed this nonsense. Howard, how do you like this one: Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. , speaking to a black audience, said very recently: ” We need to teach history in our schools. We all know the light bulb was invented by a black man, not some white guy named Edison”. Always the racial division. Sir, please, your thoughts?
Tom Malone says
Right on Howard!
Barbara Denton says
It was nice to see that some people were paying attention to the anonymous origins of the infamous lying Atlantic article. 21 people who were working at the White House when this purportedly happened have come forward and said it is untrue. They did not hide behind being anonymous and their names are easy to find including the infamous John Bolton who hates Trump because he would not get involved in another useless Middle Eastern conflict. President Trump reveres our military and the men and women who give their all for our Country. It is too bad the Democrats are now resorting to outright lies and fabrications to try and shore up Sleepy Joe’s failing bid for the Presidency.
Jennifer Griffith the Fox News so-called reporter who confirmed this story did no research and should be fired for backing up this lie. Do not think FOX News is still conservative because it is not. If you want Conservative News tune in to Channel 307 Newsmax News on Easton Utilities. Or watch FOX News between 8:00 PM and 11:00 PM.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Yeah, it is always someone trying to dis the big man. Funny, not one other POTUS has ever had former advisors warn the world about the President’s ineptitude.
Haha, Trump is correct. He could shoot a man on 5th Avenue and his supporters would cheer.
Just stunningly weird.
Angela Rieck says
Thank you for your celebration of the achievements of our military. I hope one of the sources for Fox News and the Atlantic Monthly goes on record. But reading the comments, I wonder if any source will be believed.