Who To Believe Going Forward?
In one memorable scene in the classic Marx Brothers comedy movie Duck Soup, Chico Marx asks a skeptical costar: “Well, who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?”
In the movie, that was funny. In real life, it is not.
In the 2024 presidential election, there have been several pivotal events, with many more likely.
One of the most consequential pivotable events was the June 27th presidential debate.
In a world where consensus in the political arena is an increasingly rare occurrence, there is almost universal consensus that President Biden’s debate performance was very poor. The reasons given were simply not credible and made a bad situation for President Biden worse.
Even before the debate was held there were questions over Mr. Biden’s physical and mental ability to serve a second term. After the debate, that issue was largely settled.
Despite efforts by his campaign staff, White House staff, his family, and a substantial number of his supporters to explain away or minimize Biden’s debate performance as a one-off experience, that debate ignited a political firestorm. In relatively short order, there was a massive and measurable drop off in public support, donor support, and Democratic Party support for Biden.
That ultimately led to Biden’s sudden and unexpected July 21st announcement that he was withdrawing from seeking re-election. The aftershocks from that decision are still being felt.
Questions are still being raised about the timing of his announcement and his ability to perform the duties of his office until his term ends in January.
I suggest there are two much larger questions that should not and cannot be ignored.
One is who to trust going forward on campaign messages from former Biden supporters who vigorously defended him until they suddenly chose not to defend him.
Voters also need to know what did former Biden supporters know and when did they know it?
Are we going to trust President Biden’s White House staff or his former campaign staff? Are we to going to trust the many elected officials who steadfastly maintained Biden was physically and mentally healthy and deserved re-election? Are we going to trust any members of the President’s cabinet who, to a person, publicly and unequivocally maintained that he was doing an excellent job? Are we to going to trust the Vice President?
All of them have varying degrees of culpability in denying or minimizing suggestions from anyone who expressed concerns on the steady deterioration of President Biden’s mental and physical health.
Perhaps most troubling are the reasons given by so many of President Biden’s supporters just before he suddenly stepped down from his re-election bid.
They said he needed to step down because he could not win re-election. They also said his candidacy would hurt Democratic candidates in competitive U.S. House and U.S Senate races.
What they were really saying was keeping him in office was more important than an honest appraisal of his ability to effectively perform in what is the most challenging and consequential job in the world.
In almost every post-debate poll, large numbers of the American public (Democrats, Republicans, and Independents) did not feel Joe Biden should run for a second term.
They did so after they watched, listened to and/or read about President Biden’s debate performance. They decided they could no longer believe all they were told pre-debate, but did believe what they personally saw, heard, or read about his performance at the debate.
Only when polling showed a drastic collapse in voter confidence in President Biden, did his longtime supporters and the much of the media decide it was time for a new candidate. These longtime supporters were all in on him running for re-election until they were all in on him not running for re-election.
Americans need to know who promoted and allowed an elderly and increasingly ill person who is clearly in need of help and compassion, to become a shell of his former self.
Just as importantly, Americans need to know why. Did they want and need a malleable person in the Oval Office to take and execute orders without questioning or even fully understanding them?
Their actions were nothing less than elder abuse and were a grave disservice to America.
Regarding a once robust elderly person’s irreversible mental and physical decline, I have personal experience as do countless others with aging family members. My father suffered from the ravages of dementia for almost ten years prior to his death. His mental decline was not subtle or slow. His family did not need a physician to confirm what was obvious.
We knew early in his decline he needed to be placed under medical care to prevent him from causing serious harm to himself and to others. As is often the case with dementia, he did not realize that reality and fought us regularly on any suggestions that he needed to leave his home to be in an assisted living facility. We prevailed. As difficult as it was, we knew it was the right thing to do and we did what needed to be done, when it needed to be done.
The lesson learned is simple.
Between now and the November election, be very suspicious of any messages from those who were not forthright in their previous and often disdainful responses to countless concerns raised about President Biden’s health issues. We now know their previous messages simply did not match what many of us saw with our own eyes before and during the June 27th debate.
David Reel is a public affairs and public relations consultant who lives in Easton.
Deirdre LaMotte says
This is priceless. By all means everyone, please
avert your eyes away from the Republican’s Project 2025
and their felon nominee. In stead, focus on Biden, no not Harris please, she is too strong. Please spend wasted time
on a Dem conspiracy. No, not the pizza gate. That was 2016. The new one we need to fear is those
in the Party machine who are taking our democracy away because they protected the President re age issues. Don’t get
carried away that he pulled out of the election. Focus on
the “cover up”.
OMG. How low do Republicans go. They are
champions at gas lighting.
Sorry. No one is buying it.
Michael Borner says
I find it ironic how so many question the honesty surrounding public statements regarding Biden’s mental acuity and what was known; yet there’s no concern over Trump’s compulsive lying or his mental acuity.
Yes, it’s somewhat concerning but it’s also behind us while Trump’s lying and gaslighting continues more frequently.
William Keppen says
With all due respect, many questions about then candidate Biden and current candidate Trump, and those that surround them deserve answers, which we will likely not get. America has any number of difficult challenges in front of it. If we as a nation and people are to survive and prosper, it seems to me we must focus our concerns and questions on those that would lead us in the upcoming four years, either Trump or Harris. God bless America.
Christopher Armstrong says
I was sorry to hear of the difficulties that Mr. Reel and his father encountered in dealing with dementia. However, Mr. Reel is not a physician and to my knowledge, he has no specific information about President Biden’s current condition. If he did, his questions might be legitimate.
What is known at present, is that the Republican candidate denied (and continues to deny) his loss in the 2020 election and enlisted the aid of numerous others to support his attempted overthrow of that election. That same candidate is back in 2024 with a large number of these same enablers as a convicted felon as the Republican nominee. Mr. Reel’s questions in this article are more aptly posed to the Republican Party about their own candidate. How can anyone in the GOP support the current candidate knowing what is known by any objective observer?
I would like the answer to that question.
Michael Davis says
This column, like many I’ve read, addresses why someone should not vote for Democrats. It is misleading in that a vote is a binary choice. To not vote for a Democrat leaves you only one real option, namely, to vote for the Republican. One Mr. Donald J. Trump.
He is a pathological liar. During his Presidency, he told tens of thousands of lies. During the debate, he told countless lies. He likes oppressive dictators and will give Ukraine to Putin. He said he trusts Putin rather than American intelligence agents, like in the Armed Services and CIA and NSA. He said he will be a dictator.. He plans to use the military to enforce domestic laws – a clear violation of what our Country stands for. He has said he will build concentration camps. He has no empathy and you’ll never see him following the Golden Rule. He calls himself a Christian and never goes to church, misquotes the Bible, holds the Bible upside down, violates multiple Commandments, and brags he can kill and still be elected. Not to mention ALL economists say his trade policies will destroy our economy. There is more, but my fingers are tired.
So, Mr. Reel, as you advise us all to not vote for a Democrat, how the heck do you explain why we should vote for Trump?
Deidra A. Lyngard says
David: While I agree that the Democrats’ shielding of the truth was clearly not in the best interests of the country, it was, in my mind, not surprising. I think it is typical group behavior to close ranks and protect your own, to hide weakness, and maintain power and authority. You act as if the Dems’ behavior is a surprise and that the norm would be for dozens of whistleblowers to step forward and announce “the emperor has no clothes.” NOT. What about Reagan and his dementia? What did the Republicans do? I’m afraid this is all standard practice for politics, the corporate sector (cigarettes aren’t harmful), and anywhere where power is at play.
robin stricoff says
Dear Mr. Reel,
Please enlighten us on the meaning behind candidate Trump affect, behavior, demeanor, statements, convictions, additional criminal charges, associates, appointments. Is he a qualified candidate for the President of the United States?
Michael Pullen says
Mr. Reel is a political media consultant who makes a livelihood supporting Republican candidates. If he is interested in truth, why doesn’t he write about the shameless lies Donald Trump repeats endlessly, denying the coup he instigated on Jan 6, doing nothing to stop it, and then claiming it never happened. Now, praising those who stormed the Capitol in an illegal and seditious attempt to overthrow the election as “patriots” and “political prisoners.”
Get real Mr. Reel.
President Biden stepped aside and put County above his own personal desire to serve his Country. Look at the difference, it’s plain to see.
Laurie Powers says
All true. There are massive honesty, integrity, power and control issues on both sides of the uniparty and with their respective candidates. That sad fact, and having the best candidate in my lifetime running as an Independent, make all these concerns of who the biggest liars, cons and threat to democracy are, moot.
It’s simple, after following my candidate for years – a fearless, tireless and highly effective advocate for We the People and the planet, I’m happily voting with an unfettered conscience for Robert Kennedy, Jr.
The partisan-captured legacy media would have you believe otherwise about Mr. Kennedy, and all kinds of crazy other falsehoods. Thankfully, people aren’t falling for it anymore. And, more and more people are awakening to the truth of the uniparty corruption, collusion with media, and government as operatives for the corporate and global elite who support and control them. The fight between Left and Right is now an illusion; the King and Queen in the castle are more than happy to see their subjects locked in battle below, while they maintain the illusion of control and continue to do as they please, regardless of who wins.
The Rev Julia Hart says
Get a grip and get real. We’ve moved on. There is a strong, grounded intelligent, experienced, educated, and younger person running for President. Vice President Harris will be a fine President supporting our Democracy, as well, our founding documents and instituions.
Not so, the other Candidate who obviously has lost touch with reality. “…the late great Hannibal Lector…” What is with that!? What is with, “You’ll never have to vote again.” This is so un-American as to be totally frightening; as well as confirming his part in leadership of The Insurrection. Have you heard about Project 2025? That should scare the britches off of any patriotic American. Talk about a man totally unfit to lead this nation; a convicted felon; a twice impeached President. Oh, wouldn’t we be so proud to have that deranged old man back in the White House. I think not!
darrell parsons says
Mr. Reel, “Americans need to know who promoted and allowed an elderly and increasingly ill person who is clearly in need of help and compassion, to become a shell of his former self.”
…I assume you are speaking of Donald Trump?? The Donald Trump who just told a room full of Christians that if they vote for him this time around, they will never have to vote again because he is going to fix things so they won’t need to.
Here’s what he said: “It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians. I love you, Christians. I’m a Christian. I love you, get out, you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.”
He loves HIS beautiful Christians. It would be laughable if he weren’t running for President.
Kate LaMotte says
Biden had a bad debate, moves slowly, speaks slowly (but almost always with clarity and accuracy – certainly in multiple interviews and public addresses since the debate) and ultimately came to realize that given sliding polls, running the country deserved his full attention instead of seeking reelection while running the country. As someone who worked in dementia care for eight years, I find Reel’s armchair diagnosis of Biden both groundless and offensive.
Meanwhile, over in the GOP, you have a STILL-RUNNING candidate who is a pathological liar and an adjudicated sexual predator, who cannot remember the names of either his greatest challengers or most loyal adjutants,; who demonstrates significant aphasia in literally every campaign speech; who babbles both repeatedly about sharks, boat batteries, windmills and fictional (yet in his mind, deceased) movie villains; who imagines that the world’s most ruthless dictators adore him and bend to his will; and who fantasizes, openly and proudly, of a second presidential term whose major policy agendas are 1) making the extremely rich even richer and 2) committing retribution against all who so much as disagree with him much less challenge or criticize him.
And then you have his VP candidate who is every bit as bad in terms of misogyny, hypocrisy, intolerance and autocratic ambitions, with the added negative of being planted in the race by billionaire technocrats who paid no attention to his dearth of legislative accomplishment or government experience.
Maybe Mr Reel could devote his armchair diagnosis skills to the cognitive state of the GOP president candidate and the lack of qualification of the VP candidate.
Anne C Stalfort says
I don’t know where to begin. No mention of the candidate who talks about batteries and sharks. Seems obsessed with a fictional character who was a cannibal. Doesn’t remember who he is running against. Loves dictators and doesn’t believe in the peaceful transfer of power. Constantly lies (see The Washington Post). President Biden put his country first. Something Trump would say is for suckers. LikePresident Biden, I can’t wait to vote for Kamala Harris for president.
John Fischer says
Mr. Reel makes a simple point that for four years the White House staff, the Biden family, Mr. Biden’s cabinet, Democratic Party leadership and the media gaslighted Americans about Mr. Biden’s mental acuity.
No amount of frantic arm waving such as is printed in the responses here can obscure that dangerous, irresponsible disservice.
Christopher Armstrong says
Are you serious with this comment? Do you have any evidence to back this up? You really believe this has been going on for 4 years? How exactly has Mr. Biden pulled off all of his considerable achievements over those same 4 years?
I would argue gaslighting has been and continues to be primarily a GOP tactic used to obfuscate the issues surrounding their convicted felon of a nominee. The gaslighting continues.
Mickey Terrone says
Mr Reel, I believe you are working hard to equate Democrats’ and Republicans’ lies to the public. You are doing the public a massive disservice. You seem still to be campaigning against Biden and his surrogates because compared to Trump, Harris is younger, more astute, more articulate and a powerhouse leader among American women of all races and religions. You didn’t acknowledge the overwhelming lies and distortions, bigotry, racism and dishonor that engulfs Donald Trump and those associated with him.
Imagine the evangelical Republican howling if Kamala Harris had 5 children with 3 husbands! Imagine if she called for a military tribunal for Liz Cheney or any other political leader! Imagine if she claimed we wouldn’t need any more elections if she was elected!
Mr. Reel, I believe you are an accomplice of Donald Trump and his fanatical authoritarian charlatans of the US Constitution and American traditions and values. You seek to sweep the ugly reality of his aryan white supremacist, anti-immigrant bigotry and his horrendous goals to undermine America’s great but imperfect history into an authoritarian fascist/nazi hellhole.
Kent Robertson says
Not to mention the untruths we’ve been inundated with by the administration and the legacy press about COVID vaccines being “safe and effective”, nor the constant reiteration by the same that the “border is secure”. Frankly, I find it difficult to believe anything that comes out of the administration or legacy media.
Unfortunately, the right wing media is guilty of similar stretching, bending, or mischaracterization. The only way to have a sense of what has really gone on is to read both sides with a skeptical eye, apply your own experience and common sense, and then try to develop a sense of what is real, what is lies and manipulation, and what needs more information before any conclusions are met. Sadly, most people are looking for Affirmation, not Information.
Michael Pullen says
It’s also useful to study history and understand Project 2025.
Project 2025, an authoritarian playbook to undermine democracy in America, developed by Trump’s supporters with JD Vance writing the introduction.
Project 2025 aims to attack and undo environmental policies to fight climate change, a frontal assault on the non-partisan civil service, the same ploy Hitler used when assuming power in pre-war Germany. And Trump’s “vision” for America, that once he’s in power, we won’t “have to” vote again. Voting is a sacred right, Trump doesn’t think so.
Talk about a threat to the United States.
Paul Rybon says
Mr Robertson’s comments are the most reasonable.I may be alone in thinking that Biden’s delivery in the debate wasn’t half bad, because Trump’s performance wasn’t much better. The real gaslighting being done here is being perpetrated by the party controllers on both sides when we should be concentrating on the issues. Mr Reel is partly correct. Let’s not allow ourselves to continue to be gaslighted by BOTH sides. Let’s resume thinking about he issues going forward such as the economy, national security, the border, the environment, equity, the constant stroking of the racial divide, and corruption at all levels of our national experience.
Are our politicians really about policies? Or are they mostly about personality. Time to get that sorted out right now..
Deirdre LaMotte says
You are way too funny. Please do not go down the
“both sides” path because our nation would not be divided but for the lies and criminal actions by Trump and his new GOP.
We are not talking policy differences. We are talking about a major political party that has capitulated for a felon, rapist and insurrectionist.
That is the issue. Period.
Get ready for a big Blue win!
Doris Moore says
All I know for sure, is that Trump is unfit to run this country!
Anne C Stalfort says
Carol A. Voyles says
With such doubts and questions, why not look at all our President has accomplished?
Oh, wait. There’s little evidence that would be possible.
Sarah Oppenheimer says
Democrats have been trained to be disgusted by any news sources other than the corporate media which they fully trust. They are isolated in their narrative bubble (that’s how cults form) and so when events (Biden’s debate performance, Trumps assassination attempt, Biden dropping out via a note on X) they see a vastly different reality than their fellow citizens. This is why such a high percentage of women who identify as liberal have diagnosed mental illness.
trudy wonder says
Who to believe?? Wikipedia would like a word:
“During and after his term as President of the United States, Donald Trump made tens of thousands of false or misleading claims. The Washington Post’s fact-checkers documented 30,573 false or misleading claims during his presidential term, an average of about 21 per day. The Toronto Star tallied 5,276 false claims from January 2017 to June 2019, an average of 6 per day. Commentators and fact-checkers have described the scale of Trump’s mendacity as “unprecedented” in American politics, and the consistency of falsehoods a distinctive part of his business and political identities. Scholarly analysis of Trump’s tweets found “significant evidence” of an intent to deceive.”
And this is just the first paragraph. Each of these fact-checked statements are backed by sources.
There is no evidence that President Biden is unable to successfully fulfill his role. He stepped down after tremendous pressure to do so – from persons in both parties, both publicly and privately – given his advanced age. Voters were genuinely concerned that a second term would prove to be too much given evidence that running the country and campaigning at 81 was visibly wearing on him, as it would most individuals at this stage in life.
It’s hardly accurate to call his decision not to seek re-election “sudden and unexpected”. The strong cries to do so came hard and fast from both parties following his awful debate performance. Three weeks later, when he realized this wasn’t a flash-in-the-pan reaction, he announced his intent to withdraw from the race, and endorsed his Vice President (the natural lead candidate – that’s literally the job description).
Immediately, Democrats thanked him for hearing them, Republicans blasted him for participating in a ‘coup’ to hand the reigns to the next generation (as he was intensely pressured to do). The lesson? Be careful what you wish for – you just may get it.
But, back to your original question: Who to trust. I can’t tell you whom to trust, but I can say, with confidence, that one of the two lead candidates has objectively proven himself untrustworthy – over and over again and over again.