This summer, one of the local food establishments posted the following outdoor sign:
Local Crabs
Now Hiring
If would have been even funnier if they had reversed the order, but it brought me and my NYC daughter a good laugh.
I believe that it this is a good time for all of us to laugh…so here are a few funny signs that I curated from the Internet.
- Roadside Sign at Park: Warning Coyote Activity. Keep them at a distance. Never feed coyotes. Call Animal Control if you see dangerous coyote activity such as: Coyote carrying a box marked “Acme.” Coyote detonating explosives/TNT. Coyote in possession of a magnet. Coyote holding signs marked “Detour” or “Free Bird Seed.” Coyote in possession of a catapult. Coyote dropping anvil from a hot air balloon.
- Store Sign (During COVID): If you come into this shop without a mask on, we will have to take your temperature. We only have rectal thermometers. Choose wisely.
- Sign in front of a Liquor Store: Welcome back teachers!
- Sign at a Casino: Remember how your valet looks. Because we don’t have one.
- Garment Label (from a product made in China): Remove child before washing
- Store Sign: Water for your Dog or Short People with Low Standards (we don’t judge)
- Sign at Penguin House at an Aquarium:
- Naughty Penguin of the Month: Timmy, stole fish, pushed another penguin over.
- Good Penguin of the Month: Betty: Good swimmer. Waited patiently for fish.
- Road Sign: Camp in the mountains not in the left lane
- Sign at a Coffee House: Do not leave your drink unattended. The cat is an a**hole.
- Sign at a Starbucks: I saw a guy at Starbucks today. No phone. No tablet. No laptop. He just sat there. Like a psychopath.
- Roadside Sign: Caution: Sign has sharp edges. Do not touch edges of this sign. Also, the bridge is out.
- Outdoor Sign: Courage is knowing that it might hurt and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that’s why life is hard.
- Sign at Veterinary Hospital: In ancient times cats were worshipped as Gods. They have not forgotten.
- Sign at Veterinary Hospital: Dinosaurs never took vaccines and look where they ended up.
- Store Sign: PLEASE do not drop your cigarette butts on the ground. The rabbits come out at night and smoke them, and we are trying to get the rabbits to quit.
- Warning Sign by Owner (of chihuahuas): WARNING: Death from the ankles down
- Sign in Park: Warning: Drugs sold in this park are of inferior quality
- Roadside Sign: Without freedom of speech, we wouldn’t know who the idiots are
- Handmade Sign (with a pile of sticks below): Dog Library…take a stick, leave a stick
- Road Sign: It’s a lane, not a birthright. Let them merge.
- Store Sign: Teenagers: Tired of being harassed by your stupid parents. ACT NOW. Go out. Get a job. Pay your bills. While you still know everything.
- Sign at Local Baseball Park: REMEMBER These are kids. Coaches are volunteers. Umpires are human. This is not Yankee stadium.
- Store Sign (on window): Push to open. If that doesn’t work, try pull. If those don’t work, try the actual entrance.
- Store Sign: Get a free ride in a police car just by shoplifting from this store
- National Park Sign: Please do not feed the animals. They will become dependent and demand cell phones.
Signs with Funny Errors:
- Political Road Sign: America is the best country in the Nation
- Sign at Parking Garage: Please pay your parking ticket before existing
- Restroom out of odor
- Sign at Christmas Bazaar and Craft Show: Fight Children with Diabetes Fundraiser
And that’s it, I hope that one of them made you laugh.
Angela Rieck, a Caroline County native, received her PhD in Mathematical Psychology from the University of Maryland and worked as a scientist at Bell Labs, and other high-tech companies in New Jersey before retiring as a corporate executive. Angela and her dogs divide their time between St Michaels and Key West Florida. Her daughter lives and works in New York City.
Robert O. Hall says
Two of my favorites.
During our tour of China ni 1986, we passed a beautiful valley near Dazu. A sign at the entrance read::
“Camping for family area, self cooking permitted.”
Several yers ago, I bought a package of noodles from an Asian supermarket. When I opened the the package I looked for directions and foud this description:
The specific dry Guan Noodle is started from this idea. To dry the noodle was maintained at a long time. unthought used the specific dry noodle in the Sun manner can become the noodle. Q-taster and delicious.
Braises Fries use enough water. Heating after complete Ebullition. Ebullition off the fire of by the fire maintenance water. Puts in the boiling water noodles Disturbs slightly. Fishes the Noodles out, draining does. Joins need the seasoning, braises fire, then uses. Pours according to various humans of taste adds.
Marc Ebersberger says
They all made me laugh. Thanks